January 26, 2015

Thinai Payasam Recipe/Foxtail Millet Kheer With Jaggery-Millet Recipes

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Thinai Payasam Recipe

Thinai arisi/Foxtail millet payasam in one of the easiest yet delicious recipe using millets.It tastes very similar to rice payasam/Arisi payasam.But one thing i should tell you is the yield.Just 1/4 cup of thinai/foxtail millet is enough to make payasam for 3 persons.Without knowing this,i made payasam with 1/2 cup of thinai and i got sooooo much i.e. nearly half of my big sized cooker.Now i am blinking how to empty itDoh.So i just halved my quantity and shared the recipe here.This would be sufficient for 2-3 people.Ok,lets see how to prepare thinai arisi payasam recipe.
Check out my other millet recipes in this page.

Foxtail millet kheer

Thinai arisi payasam/Foxtail millet kheer

Thinai arisi payasam/Foxtail millet kheer Thinai arisi payasam/Foxtail millet kheer
Cuisine: Indian
Category: Sweet
Serves: Serves 2-3
Prep time: 5 Minutes
Cook time: 15 Minutes
Total time: 20 Minutes


  • Thinai/Foxtail millet - 1/4 cup
  • Grated jaggery - 1/2 cup
  • Water - 1.5 cups
  • Boiled milk - 1/2 cup
  • Cardamom seeds - 2 nos
  • Cloves - 1 no
  • Mace - a small piece
  • Edible camphor - a small pinch ( optional)
  • Ghee – 1 tbsp + 1 tsp

  • In a pressure cooker base,add a tsp of ghee.After its heated,add the thinai arisi and roast it well till u get a nice aroma & as u roast,thinai becomes non-sticky.Add the mentioned water and pressure cook in low flame for one or two whistles.Open the cooker & mash it well.

    Thinai arisi payasam
  • In the mean time,grate the jaggery and add 1/4 cup of water to cover it. Let it melt.Strain the syrup and add it to the cooked & mashed thinai.Allow it to boil.Add some water if needed.
Thinai payasam-1
Thinai payasam-2

  • After the raw smell of jaggery goes off,switch off the flame & add the crushed cardamom powder.Roast clove,cashews & mace.Powder the mace and add everything to the payasam.Mix well.Now add the boiled milk.Finally add a small pinch of edible camphor if needed.Garnish with roasted cashews and serve !
Thinai payasam-3
Enjoy !


  • Generally 3 cups of water is enough to cook 1 cup of thinai.i.e ratio is 1:3.Here i used 1:6 ratio of thinai & water as i wanted the payasam to be thin.
  • This payasam will tend to thicken as time proceeds.So keep some milk reserved.
  • As i mentioned in my write-up,the yield of the payasam will be more.So adjust accordingly.

Make this thinai arisi payasam,offer God & enjoy.It tastes awesome !
Thinai payasam


great-secret-of-life said...

healthy and creamy kheer

Chitra said...

Thanks for the quick comment Veena :)

Priya said...

Yummy payasam..Sometimes i end up making large quantities ..Parcel me some to empty it ..

Kurinji said...

healthy payasam...

Unknown said...

healthy n yummy...

Sundari Nathan said...

healthy and yummy payasam!!

virunthu unna vaanga said...

very healthy and yummy payasam...Its our family favorite...