February 20, 2009


Iam very much surprised and honoured to recieve this award from my friend akal of akal's saapadu.

Thanks a lot akal for sharing this award with me:)

Sorry for not posting any recipes for the past 10 days..As my baby was not keeping well,i was not in a mood to browse or post anything.Iam extremely sorry,i couldnt see ur posts too:(

I'll be posting the recipes from next week..Thanks to all the viewers of my blog for ur constant support and encouragement:)Love u all friends..Take care..Bye for now..


Dershana said...

hey chitra, hope the lil one gets well soon!

Saritha said...

Congrats chitra.Hope the baby is fine now.

Chitra said...

thank u dershana,varunavi.my baby is fine now:)

lubnakarim06 said...

Congratulations..... Oh that's why wondering....Why you are not online these days....

Poornima Nair said...

Congratulations...good to know ur baby is fine now...see you from next week then :)

Gayathri said...

so sad, is ur baby fine now......
Get well soon sweet little kid... :)

Usha said...

Hope your baby gets better soon..congrats on your award...I tried the schezuan rice from your site and loved it...just posted it on my blog :-)

Varsha Vipins said...

Congrats Chitra..its ma first tim here..Lovely recipes n pic I see here..:)
Hope ur baby gets well soon..:)

Pooja said...

Hope your kid is doing well....congrats on your award chitra..

Myvegfare said...

hi chitra congrats...how is the baby now? everything all right i suppose....

Cham said...

Take care of the Little one, blogging world can wait!

Chitra said...

Thanku all frnds..my baby is getting well:)will be posting next week..

Tangled Noodle said...

Congratulations on your award! I hope that your sweet one is feeling better.

Anonymous said...

congrats on ur award...hope ur kiddo gets well soon..waiting for the next recipe..:D

Adlak's tiny world said...

congrats for the awards and take care of the little one dear.

Unknown said...

Congrats on ur award...Take care of the kid..

sriharivatsan said...

Hope your baby is fine now, take care..ongrats on your award

Vibaas said...

hope your baby is feeling better now. take care and congrats on your award, dear!

Anonymous said...

Hi Chitra,

Hope your child is feeling better and once again, congrats on your award.



vidhas said...

Hope you lil one feels better now. Kindly check it out something is waiting for you.