July 20, 2009

Rice Upma / Arisi Upm With Adayar Anandha Bhavan Style Sambar

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I learnt this upma from my MIL and sambar from my friend Krithiga. This sambar serves as an excellent combo for this upma. I usually make this sambar for idli/Dosa. But this time I tried for this upma. It was a divinely combination. It can be prepared within 15 mins. :)
Normally we all make coconut chutney/Tomato /Coriander chutney for upma. But I usually make different sambar. My hubby likes to have upma with sambar more than chutney. Also the juicy sambar when mixed with upma gives a heavenly taste, Slurpp!. Even I too love sambar for upma nowadays. 


  • Raw rice – 1 cup
  • Toor dal – 1.5 tbsp
To temper:
  • Mustard  seeds – 1 tsp
  • Urad dal – 2 tsp
  • Channa dal -  1 tsp
  • Green chilly – 2 nos (Slit cut)
  • Curry leaves – a sprig
  • Ginger – 1 inch ( chopped finely)
  • Hing /Asafetida – 1/2 tsp
  • Oil – 1 tbsp
  • Water – 2.25 cups
  • Soak rice and dal together for 1 hr. Run in the mixie only once (use inch/Juice option)..It should be just broken into two..Set aside..
  • Heat oil in a cooker base and add the tempering items in the same order.Add only half of the hing during tempering..
  • Then add the water.Mix well by adding a tsp of oil.Now add the remaining 1/4 tsp of hing and add the rice and dal mixture.Stir it well till the water gets absorbed by the rice,dal mixture..Now close the lid and cook for 1 whistle in low flame.
  • Remove and serve hot with sambar/Chutney!!

  • Toor dal- 1/4 cup 
  • Tomato – 2 nos (finely chopped)
  • Small onion – 10 nos (Peeled ) (U can use big onion too )
  • Adayar Ananda Bhavan Sambar powder – 1.5-2 tsp (if u dont have this sambar powder,u can use MTR,SAKTHI sambar powders ..)
  • Red chilly powder – 1/2 tsp
  • Jaggery - a small piece
  • Turmeric powder – a pinch
  • Hing /Asafetida – 2 pinches.
  • Salt & water – as  needed
To dry roast& grind:
  • Coriander seeds - 1 tbsp
  • Chana dal - 1.5 tbsp
  • Methi seeds - 1/2 tsp
  • Hing - 1/4 tsp
  • Red chillies - 2 nos
To temper :
  • Mustard seeds – 1/4 tsp
  • Urad dal – 1 /2 tsp
  • Cumin seeds – 1/2 tsp
  • Curry leaves – a sprig
  • Oil – 1 tsp
Ghee – 1 tbsp
Coriander leaves – to garnish
  1. Take a pressure cooker and add the items given under “ingredients”..with salt & water.Soak for 15 mins(this helps the toor dal to cook well N mash).Cook for 2 whistles in low flame..Open and mash it well.
  2.  Ruoast all the ingredients in a drop of oil & grind it to a fine powder. Add this powder, jaggery after opening the cooker and let it boil well.Temper it and garnish with coriander leaves..
  3. Finally add a tbsp of ghee and mix well or u can temper with ghee.  This gives an added flavor to this sambar !!This is the most important step .Plz dont forget..

U  can add any veggies of ur choice to make it healthy..
For upma..Instead of soaking rice and dal for  1 hr,u can directly run it in the mixie once and repeat the same procedure.



I should thank EC for posting this yummy sweet just for me. I was elated !!
I tried this on sunday evening. I made some small changes in her recipe. I added grated coconut and instead of grinding the boiled carrots ..I grated them.
It tasted excellent and i’ve decided to make it for my guests. 
Here is the recipe which I followed.This is for my future reference too. 
For stuffing:
  • Boiled and grated carrot – 2 nos (medium sized)
  • Grated coconut – 1/4 cup
  • Sugar – 10 tsp (adjust )
  • Cardamom – 2 nos powdered
  • Ghee – 1 tsp
For dough:
  • Maida – 3/4 cup
  • Cooking soda – a pinch
  • Salt – a pinch
  • Oil – 1 tbsp
  • Kesari color – a pinch
  • Water – as needed.
  1. Knead the dough by mixing all the ingredients and set aside for 30 mins.
  2. In a kadai take the grated coconut along with sugar. Let it mix well and sugar melt. Then add the boiled, grated coconut, ghee, cardamom powder. Stir it well till it forms a ball and becomes non sticky.
  3. Remove and set aside. Knead the dough again till it becomes soft.
  4. Now make the balls of even size and roll it a little.
  5. Place the stuffing in the middle and cover it by pulling all the sides of the dough. Make a ball and pat it to a thin chappathi on a greased polythene sheet..
  6. Heat a dosa tawa and cook the poli on both the sides by pouring little oil around it..
Yummy carrot poli is ready to eat.. 

Bye for now :)


lubnakarim06 said...

Oh wow....i never knew about AAB powder....Iam regular visitor to AAB....hmmm looks like u r trying a lot of recipes these days.....upma with sambar sounds yum....

Gita Jaishankar said...

What a divine platter...love that combo of upma with sambar..Where do you get the Adayar Sambar powder...regular gorcery store?

Pavithra Elangovan said...

MMmmmmmmm thats yummy platter chitra looks so delicious and comforting .. really wish to have them. I too make toordhal upma but slightly different have a glance at my blog when you find time .. Will try it ur version too dear..

Vani said...

Upma with sambar is such a great combi.

Sailaja Damodaran said...

lovely colour...tempting

Ashwini said...

rice upma is one healthy upma... smabar is perfect combo

chow and chatter said...

this makes me want to come and eat in India amazing food

Pooja said...

Upma with sambar sounds great. Though I have never had this combo, seeing your platter tempts me a lot!

kittymatti said...

wow! slurp! the recipe is so good!

Raks said...

I hav never made this upma my self,neither maami makes :( I think its time for me to try of my own!

Sambhar sounds so simple,i will try :)

Carrot boli looks very nice,I will try that too:)

Home Cooked Oriya Food said...

lovely upma and easy chutney!

Varsha Vipins said...

where there is Sambar,there I am..:D..lovely dishes Chitra..am droolinggg..:)

Lakshmi said...

My sis makes this upma and heard a lot about it. It is high time that I try this!

Anonymous said...

Thats a power packed Upma for sure..sambar makes me drool..adyar anandhabhavan sambar is so special ? looks totally yummy

Chitra said...

Thanks a lot for ur lovely cooments..
@lubna..Thanks dear..Its available in all AAB.TRy and let me know :)

@gita..Thanks..This sambhar powder is available only at AAB.Not in regular groceries..u can try the same with sakthi sambhar powder :)

Thanks Ann..AAB is one of the famous restaurants in tamilnadu :)

Rekha shoban said...

Upma looks yummy chitra...this is very new recipe for me.

Priya Narasimhan said...

Nice breakfast recipe and its too tempting. :-)..I necer knew that A2B sells sambar powder too..Will buy it sometime..

chef and her kitchen said...

We also make something similar to this upma...That sambar powder is quite interesting dear..I will buy next time I come to bangalore..

Suparna said...

hi chitra,
Like many others I too didnt know that A2B sells sambar powders ...shall def. try it :)
Ur recipe seems very unique. Thanks for sharing it.
Happy T&T dear!! :)

Jyoti said...

Usually make sambhar with idli/dosa. This combination looks great. Will make sambhar with upma next time.

lata raja said...

The A2B sambhar caught me. Waav, thanks Chitra.

LifenSpice said...

upma and sambar is sich a delicious combo! That sambar looks droolworthy:)

Shama Nagarajan said...

lovely spread........yummy delights

Hari Chandana P said...

Woww... looks soo yummy and tempting... good job.. i will try :)

Sindhura said...

Lovely n perfect combo!!!
Thanks for visiting.Keep visiting!!
Include me in ur blog roll

EC said...

A2B sambar powder-never heard of this,. will ask someone to get it from chennai for me..Arisi upma looks super, Thanks for trying out carrot poli ..glad u liked it

Vrinda said...

I lov all kinds of upmas,added one more in my list..looks so yum ,liked the easy sambar recipe too..thanx for sharing...

Chef Jeena said...

Photos look fabulous to me Chitra tasty and delicious.

Indian Khana said...

Perfect combo..looks delicious...and nice click

Myvegfare said...

wow, ur sambhar is making me so hungry dear, can u send me a plate please it is 5 O clock, i haven't cooked anything still.....

Valarmathi Sanjeev said...

Wow lovely sambhar chitra. Looks yummy.

Cilantro said...

AAB has sambar powder too??? Sambar looks great.

Nithya Praveen said...

AAB has Sanbhar powders too??? Wow thats interesting.Looks wonderful.

Parita said...

Thats such a satisfying meal!

Vikis Kitchen said...

Arisi upuma and that sambar makes me drooling. U are so good at trying traditional foods. Carrot boli looks divine.

Deepthi Shankar said...

now, this sounds very very tempting

Chitra said...

Thanks a lot for ur sweet comments :)

Laavanya said...

The arisi upma looks delicious and I love that super-quick sambar recipe.
Carrot poli has such a fascinating colour.

Rohini said...

Hi Chitra, that's absolutely yummy.. u have left me drooling!! :)
Thanks for stopping by.. I have added you onto my blogroll! Hope you dont mind!
You have an awesome collection.. I'll try some soon!

Unknown said...

What a flavorful sambar ..I wanted to make it with arisi upma but changed my mind in the last min and paired with kuthiravali upma (from ur space too) .. It was a delightful combo. Thanks for the recipe.

Chitra said...

Thank you so much 😍. Very happy to see your feedback 😃