August 19, 2009

Matka Kulfi - Ice Cream Recipes

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matka kulficlose up

I still remember the days  i ran behind the Bombay kulfi walahs to buy mouth watering , 1 rupee , cone shaped kulfis.Drooling.I  really crave for those kulfis now Raised Eyebrow…Last month we had been to my native and there i tasted Matka kulfi ,  my hubby’s favourite..After tasting it, i got an idea to try my ownIdea.So I washed those matkas and took home Wink..I tried and Yes,I got the same tasteThumbs-upWhistling..My husband was very happy when i prepared this for himSmile..Generally, Kulfis are prepared using a combination of condensed, evaporated and whole Milk..But i prepared in a very simple way..Here is the recipe,

  • Milk – 500 ml
  • Sugar – 2 –3 tbsp (adjust )
  • Cardamom powder – 3  - 4 pods (powdered )
  • Saffron threads -  few
  • Almonds and pistachios – Few (finely chopped )
  • Take the milk in a Microwave safe wide bowl  .The bowl should accommodate at least two litres of milk to avoid spill over.Please see to it..
  • Microwave high for 10 minutes..Remove the bowl and stir well.If u want u can remove and collect the skin( paal aadai), blend it at the end to a paste and add to the milk ..But I mixed the skin as it is along with the milk..
  • Microwave again till the milk is reduced to half in volume.. (My MW took nearly 25- 30 mins to complete the process....Adjust the timings according to urs..)
  • Then add sugar, saffron threads and cardamom powder, mix it and MW high for 5 mins..Let the sugar dissolve well and boil…
  • Finally add the chopped almonds and pistachios and mix well.
  • Pour into the moulds and freeze it for a minimum of 6 hours..
I got these cute kulfi moulds from my SIL and i poured some mixture into these moulds to serve my kid and of course for meOpen-mouthed.. Eat immdiately after u take out from the freezer because it gets melted very soon ...

kulfi yellow
  • The above process can be done using stove top method . Take the milk in a wide mouthed kadai and boil the milk till it is reduced to half in volume..
  • Give a constant stir and simmer the flame to avoid the spill over..
  • Then add sugar, cardamom powder and saffron threads..
  • Mix well and boil till sugar dissolves completely..
  • Finally garnish with chopped almonds and pistachios.



Lena Jayadev said...

yummy yummy kulfi..................... :) snap is just amazing..i love to hav it right now.. :)

Raks said...

Yay!i m first to comment in this gorgeous looking kulfi post!
Fabulous pictures,keep it up!!!Feel proud of u!!
i will soon try this for sure!!
All the pics are great!

Raks said...

oh b4 i finish typing Lena did it!! :(

jayasree said...

Yummmmmy kulfi.. Very easy to make. It has set well. Lovely clicks.

Chitra said...

Thank u all for ur sweet , quick comments:)

Shama Nagarajan said...

tempting kulfi dear....nice photo

Priya Suresh said...

Omg!!!wat a delicious and droolworthy kulfi Chitra!

Sushma Mallya said...

such a lovely picture...might be very delicious....a must try one..

Parita said...

Oh my looks delectable! i too love those cone shaped kulfis :)

lubnakarim06 said...

Khulfi is my favourite too....i too make it at home...i will grinad and make a finr paste of almonds and mix with milk.....try that to get more creamy and flakky kulfi......matka looks that stunning pic dear.....where there chillness is those cones too...Iam carving for some right now.....Iam happy u like that powder...

Indian Khana said...

Wow looks fab....cant stop drooling..

Rekha shoban said...

wow looks delicious and mouthwaterin!

lata raja said...

Hey Chitra you have created magic there.Send this to Sanghi's event too.The matki is so nice with the droplets of water on it.

Gita Jaishankar said...

Wow Chitra...those pictures are turly tempting :)

Saritha said...

Great looking kulfi chitra,loved it

Home Cooked Oriya Food said...

Looks so yum... Awesome pix...

Indu Subramanian said...

Wow Chitra,
Yummy kulfi.I recently got the kulfi molds from dollar shop. Now i have your recipe.Would try it for sure.

Sailaja Damodaran said...

Iam drooling.Ur pictures makes me hungry...serve a cup for me....Yum

Priya Narasimhan said...

looks fabulous..i too made the kulfi recently..

Myvegfare said...

wow, i love both the nuts, can we all have one, it's so hot here...!!! will try this

Sushma Mallya said...

Hi chitra got an award for u:) pls accept it from my blog.

Cynthia said...

It is so hot down here that I can eat the entire batch you made! Gorgeous!

Sorna priya said...

wow kulfi looks very great....Pls
collect ur Award from my blog....

kittymatti said...

wow! yummy n refreshing! looks perfect!

Sanghi said...

wow yum yum kulfi chitra dear.. do send this to my FIL-MILK event..!

Valarmathi Sanjeev said...

Wow nice picture. Liked the first picture very much with droplets of water. Pics are very tempting.

Myvegfare said...

hi chitra, your photos are absolutely gorgeous can you teach me how to click such beautiful ones, the red one with droplets of water is superb....

Hari Chandana P said...

Yummyyy kulfi... awesome clicks!!

Ashwini said...

love ur click.. please pass some of ur kulfis please!!! said...

yummy dear!!
kindly pls collect ur award from my blog dear !!

Unknown said...

Tempting clicks..Iam drooling!!

Shri said...

Gorgeous pics esp the one in the pot!

Divya Kudua said...

Yummy looking kulfi..I need to buy some Kulfi moulds soon..:)

Unknown said...

Pls collect u'r award from my blog!!

NikVad said...

Yummy Kulfi!!! Could you join us and post this and a few other articles in exchange for some publicity? Yes, we @ are starting a free newsletter and we would be glad to have this article in it. Please log on to, register and post your articles (As many as you can...). We will make sure to send you a copy of the newsletter and keep you updated where ever we take your article and publicize your blog, in advance ofcourse. So, why wait? You can find more details @!

suvaiyaana suvai said...

cool Kulfi!!

Madhura Manoj said...

hmm mouth watering yummy...

Anna Schafer said...

Wow nice picture. Liked the first picture very much with droplets of water. Pics are very tempting.matka

Unknown said...

Cool completely, add the cardamom powder, saffron mixture and dry fruits and mix well. satta matka lucky number

Unknown said...

matka reminds me of satta matka game

Matka Result said...

wow. Yummy food. cool picks buddy. Look to taste soon.