
September 29, 2009

Vazhaithandu Thogayal - Plantain Stem Thuvaiyal Recipe

We usually make poriyal & pachadi with vazhaithandu..This vazhaithandu thogayal / Banana stem thogayal may be new to some of u.. It tastes yum when mixed with plain rice  adding sesame oil and easy to prepare too. It tastes more like thengai thogayal. We likes this a lot. U can also do this for a change. Try & let me know how you liked this vazhaithandu chutney for rice.

vazhaithandu thogayal

Ingredients :
  • Raw Banana stem / plantain stem / Vazhaithandu – 1 no (medium size)
  • Red chilly – 3 to 4 nos
  • Tamarind – Small gooseberry size
  • Urad dal – 1 tbsp
  • Hing – 2-3 generous pinches
  • Salt & water – as required.
  • Oil – 1-2 tbsp
  • Remove the fibre (thread like portion ) from the banana stem and chop it finely.
  • Soak the chopped pieces into buttermilk or water and set aside.
  • Heat a pan with a tbsp of oil and roast the urad dal , redchillies and hing.Keep aside.
  • Heat the kadai with a tbsp of oil and add the chopped stem after draining the water / buttermilk ..
  • Saute well till its completely cooked.Its quantity will be reduced to half.It may take 10mins. Adding salt at this stage helps in quick cooking.
  • Let it cool.Finally grind the cooked stem with roasted ingredients & tamarind , water to a smooth paste.
  • Mix with plain rice topped with sesame oil / ghee !!  serve with papad as an accompaniment !!
vazhaithandu thogayal 2

Bye for now friends :)


  1. looks too good! I will sure try when I get vazhathandu here :) Thanks for the recipe :)

  2. Thanku so much ..Do try & let me know :)

  3. Congrats on all the awards dea..!!
    i love the recipe...gotta try it soon..

  4. congrats on the awards...
    Lovely chutney..nver tried,,,

  5. I like the new look of ur blog my dear and this chutney is very new to me Chit

  6. wow..this is such a healthy thoviyal...shd try this soon!Awesome click!

  7. Chitra, hearty congratulations on the awards. The thogayal looks perfect! with morkozhambu should be interesting. I make vaazhaththandu pachchidi just to consume this for remedial purposes. @RAKS, Mustafa used to have them always, dear.

  8. Delicious and healthy chutney, looks good, congrats on all your awards :)

  9. Congrats on the award dear!!! healthy chutney looks great!!will give try..Thanks for sharing..

  10. Looks neat!Never tried this, Chitra:)

  11. New template looks good Chitra... and the dish looks yummy... and also healthy... nice try with banana stem

  12. wow your blog looks beautiful, dear, the curry looks yummy too.., If I get this i will try this out

  13. I make poriyal and koottu with Vazhaithandu.thogayal is new to me will try next time.congrats on your awards and very good info. on vazhaithanu.

  14. New templates looks great CHitra..this thogayal looks yummy, prefect pair with rasam or sambar rice..

  15. Congrats for the award....:)
    Healthy Chutney...

  16. Nice chuteny!!
    Amazing info on banana stem!! You really deserve these awards.

  17. Hi Chitra, Thanks for stopping by at my blog.:) You have a very nice place too. I like your idea of 'Kitchen clinic'. :) Congrates for these awards!

    Please come again at my place. I'll peek here too. :)

  18. New recipe never heard abt this. will try next time .and congrats on ur awards and the template is absolutely superb

  19. thats interesting. i dont get vazhaithandu here though :(

    congrats on your awards :)

  20. Thuvayal arumai chitra dear..! New template looks cute..!

  21. Congrats on the awards.
    I love vazha thandu. But unfortunately, we don't get it here.
    Your new blog design looks great and neat.

  22. Healthy thogayal! My SIL's fav.
    Congrats on your awards

  23. Congrats on your awards....
    I do poriyal using the stem.
    but this is really interesting.
    let me give a try

  24. Lovely the outlook of ur blog plus the pic of the dish....Nice one...congraz on getting so many awards,,,hope u get lots more in near future...

  25. U kno Amma nd mammama used to tell we shud eat banana stem ateeleast once a yr nd sstomach will be clean... I just got the stem once here if i get next time i will try this :) Nd congrats

  26. Never tried this, looks awesome. Will surely try this:)

  27. new thing to me chitra, like to try this

  28. HAve never eaten it ground into a paste. Love this recipe. :-)

  29. I love Vazhaithandu for its medicinal values.. Made only kootu and poriyal.. Your Thogaiyal looks so inviting!! Will try it out soon!

  30. Thats interesting one, i will make only poriyal with it. Will surely try this.

  31. It's amazing how we use all parts of the banana plant and make it interesting and yum! Looks yum, Chitra.

  32. vazhai thandu kootu is my fav.. sad that we dont get it here...

  33. Different recipe from plantain stem.Rich in fibre.

  34. this is new to me..looks lovely..must try recipe !

  35. Looks appetizing and tempting dear:)

  36. First & foremost I must congratulate u on owning this beautiful template. You cannot imagine, how thrilled I was to relish this changed look. It is simply mind blowing....

    And of course the plantain stem preparation. Very healthy indeed. I've been following this blog since quite some time now. And this was an utter surprise. Gr8 going!!!!


  37. Vazhaithandu thogayal very innovative!

  38. Hey, pls collect your award from my blog dear! It's waiting!

  39. Thanks for visiting... Congratulations on your awards... and the foods look great!

  40. Thanks for visiting..and u do have very yummy blog!!


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