November 13, 2009

Karuveppilai Podi / Curry Leaves Powder Recipe

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I learnt this podi recipe from my MIL..She makes the best thogayals and podis . We have this podi with idli/ dosa and  plain rice topped with sesame oil.. Its a healthy and delicious podi variety.

curry leaves podi

Ingredients :
  • Curry leaves – 1 bunch (1 cup)
  • Red chilly – 2-3 nos
  • Pepper – 1 tsp
  • Urad dal (round) – 2 tbsp ( or u can add 1 tbsp of urad and  1 tbsp of channa dal )
  • Hing / Asafetida – 2 pinches
  • Salt – to taste
Method :
  • Heat a kadai with a tbsp of oil and add the red chilly, urad dal, pepper corns and hing.
  • Roast till the dal changes to golden brown color.
  • Transfer the roasted ingredients to a plate.switch off the flame.
  • In the same hot kadai , add the curry leaves and toss it well.(fire off!!)
  • Leave it for sometime.. the curry leaves become crispy.
  • Finally grind everything to a fine /a bit coarse powder by adding the required salt. ( i always grind a bit coarse)
Serve with idly / dosa or mix with plain rice by adding sesame oil.


Raks said...

Wow,a vibrant picture of curry leaves podi,amma made when she came here,i took picture too its still in my drafts ;)

gtyuk said...

amazing colour for this kariveppilai podi; I 'm going to try this with channa and urad dhal together;

I have never known that these trees produce fruits (nice information)!!

gtyuk said...

and congratulations for all these awards and enjoy!!!!!!

Menaga Sathia said...

பொடி பார்க்க பச்சை பசலென்று சூப்பராக இருக்கு.

விருது பெற்றமைக்கு வாழ்த்துக்கள்!!

Shanthi Krishnakumar said...

Congrats on your award and delicious podi

Chitra said...

Thanks for ur sweet , quick comments :)

lata raja said...

Chitra, romba azhagaana green colour to your podi. Mine is always darker.
Congratulations on the awards.

Rohini said...

The brilliant green color of the podi itlsef tell us how tasty it shud be!! Congrats on all your awards dear!! :)

Vrinda said...

Curryleaf podi is new to me...Gorgeous color...

prasu said...

congrats on all ur awards dear......podi looks yumm....nice color too, mine turns time will fallow ur method.

Latha said...

Congrats on all ur awards!!!

Lovely podi to me.

Sailaja Damodaran said...

congrats....u deserve.Nice recipe

Suparna said...

congrats on ur awards:p I too had made the curry leaves podi, it's def.. a must keep recipe :)

Priya Suresh said...

Curry leaves podi looks prefect Chitra..

Dershana said...

lovely colour!

Saraswathy Balakrishnan said...

Looks good and I can consume a dozen of dosa with these podi anytime of the day whenever I feel like..:)

Ash said...

Congrats on ur awards.... u deserve more than that... Blogfares!!! of course.... I will......


Cham said...

What a pretty color! I love curry leaves podi!

Anupama said...

Superb color! I have always liked podis of all sorts :-). Congrats on the awards

Gita Jaishankar said...

Nice healthy the vibrant color :)

Home Cooked Oriya Food said...

yummy color of the podi...
Nice post...
congrats on the awards...

Tina said...

Podi looks delicious and exellent click dear....Congrats on ur awards.

Jeyashris Kitchen said...

What a colour,even my mil also keeps this in stock and we always mix a spoon of this daily in daily meal.
Thanks for the information abt the curry leaf,i made my daughter,(who always takes out the curry leaf from the food served,) to read this and now she felt the importance of the leaf.
Congrats on ur award.

Nandinis food said...

My all time fav. Looks healthy & pretty!

Menaga Sathia said...

pls see this link

Parita said...

Gorgeous color! congrats on all your awards :-)

Bergamot said...

It looks really nice... the podi is amazing.

Shri said...

Looks good!I love this except that the curry leaves are way too expensive here in the States.

Krishnaveni said...

The chutney powder looks very refreshing! :)

Uma said...

mmm. I can smell the podi from the picture. looks sooo tempting Chitra. Yummy :) Congrats on all those awards.

Mythreyi Dilip said...

kariveppilai podi looks awesome Chitra. What an inviting color!

Congrats on all ur awards dear:)

Valarmathi Sanjeev said...

Nice green color, looks tempting and congrats on your awards.
Thanks for trying the tomato peas gravy. I'm glad u liked it.

Padma said...

Healthy podi and also yummy to have with idli/ dosas and congrats on all your awards :)

Nithya Praveen said...

Oh u made me mom used to make these she couriers it to me.This is a great podi!!!!Yours look so goooooood!

Malar Gandhi said...

Karivepilai podi's color looks great, mine always tend to become bit light...seems like ur MIL also a great cook, in the family:) Nice recipe + picture, dear.

Aparna Balasubramanian said...

Podis are so good at adding an unbelievable flavour to a meal.

Aruna Manikandan said...

Hi chitra,

Lovely podi dear

Congrats on ur awards!!!!!!!

Kindly pick up the award from my blog dear

with luv,

Laavanya said...

What a beautiful colour - i love kariveppilai podi.

my kitchen said...

Healthy & yummy one.My aunty will prepare this for me,looks good

my kitchen said...

Congrats on ur Awards,keep rocking

jayashree said...

Actually I tried I am not getting this green courier why, please.

Chitra said...

Hi Jayashree, did you saute the leaves with flame off. Curry leaves should be roasted in the heat of kadai. So flame should be off. For bright green color, you can also try adding a pinch of turmeric powder and a pinch of sugar while sauting the leaves in off flame. It will surely help.