Sweet puttu also known as rice puttu / arisi vella puttu in Tamil is a popular South Indian Maha shivaratri prasadam recipe. We prepare this sweet puttu recipe mainly on ‘Maha shivaratri’. So we call this as Shivaratri puttu . This year 2024, Maha shivarathri falls on March 8th.
Some people prepare this arisi vella puttu/Arisi puttu during Navaratri days too. This is made out of rice flour and jaggery. My mil makes home made rice flour to make this puttu. U can try with good quality store bought puttu flour/puttu maavu too. Here I have cooked the rice mixture twice to make soft puttu. Try this method & let me know how it turned out for you 🙂

Sweet puttu recipe
Sweet puttu recipe for Maha Shivratri
Cuisine: Indian
Category: Sweet
Serves: 4
Prep time: 120 Minutes
Cook time: 20 Minutes
Total time: 140 Minutes
1 cup – 250ml
To soak in water
For jaggery syrup
Take care , catch u all in my next post !
Good to see this post,shall keep this as record :) I never make/made so far! Nice colour of the serving dish and nice picture too!
Thanks raji :)
I have never heard abt the sweet version,surely must be delicious..would love to try this out…thanks for sharing chitra
new to me..looks mouthwatering..
Nice click……….Love to try this.
Never had this..looks good and colorful
I had heard about it but never had the opportunity to taste it…now that u have posted it would surely save it for guidance….. It sounds less exhaustion too…..
May be it has been quite some time, since u have last posted… I have been seeing u after quite a while….
Love & Cheers!!!!
I love puttu a lot.
Puttu looks delicious dear…
superb dear…..
I have never had puttu like his looks really yumm;
Love this sweet puttu a lot…awesome click..
thats a new dish and looks ummmm tempting. I have a mjor sweet tooth and craving this now.
Hi Chitra,
Good to see u :)
Lovely interesting post…This is an easier version of puttu ..less effort of course :) would make it sometime thanks
new to me:) looks delicious!
Hi Chitra,
This is totally new to me. Should try it out!!!!This is Prathiba from The indian food court.
puttu is my all time favorite..looks so very tempting!
This is a new puttu for me..looks really tasty Chitra :)
looks so delicious Chitra :)
hello chithra…u have a nice collection of recipes…and ur blog looks fabulous…iwould love to follow ur blog…never tried puttu in this style…following u…
looks delicious..
Interesting puttu. Never tried this before. Sure to try soon.
sivarathri puttu looks great and delicious!!!
Its new to me..Looks delicious and yummy.
Sweet puttu sounds mouthwatering to me…wonderful recipe.
ooohh..i miss this!! it is one of my fav sweet dishes!
Puttu is a regular breakfast for us,mostly on Sundays with kadala curry.I make sweet puttu too,adding coconut-jaggery churnam in between the layers.But this is something new..adding channa dal sounds like a great idea..good to see a new recipe!!
I am Prathiba from The indian food court. Sweet puttu is totally new to me. I learnt the normal one from my friend when we were in Kerala. Looks delicious!!!!
Wonderful presentation. I have never tasted sweet puttu. Looks delicious and perfect for breakfast..
Puttu looks delicious and loved all the info on jaggery, I knew it was good for us, but did not know it was this good !
Sweet puttu looks very tempting dear. Thanks for the facts on jaggery..much useful for me da.
my fav puttu.. looks great & perfect..
Dear Chithra
Thanks 4 dropping in & 4 ur kind words
It was Gr8 visiting ur Awesome space here….Ive never tried sweet puttu, though normal puttu is made every week…Thanks 4 sharing all the info about Jaggery….Should definitely give a try 2 r sweet puttu…
Keep adding more recipes..
Sweet puttu looks great..different one..Will try this for sure..
Following will peek in often..
this is new to me.. interesting 1
Looks yummy and delicious dear :)
Puttu looks great and very interesting…
Sweet puttu is new to me. Very interesting recipe. Thanks also for the info on health benefits of jaggery.