October 3, 2011


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I wanted to make a simple , healthy salad with sprouts, mixed vegetables and fruits for a long time. I googled so many basic salad recipes and came out with my version.Here i used grated beetroot .So the color of beetroot dominates here. Otherwise it would be a colorful salad to attract ur kids. Make ur choice of adding or omitting the veggies and fruits given in this recipe.

For 1 person
    • Sprouted green gram - 1 handful
    • Carrot - 1 no(grated)
    • Beetroot - 1/2 no ( grated) (optional)
    • Big onion - 1/2 no (chop finely)
    • Cabbage - Few leaves ( chop finely)
    • Pomegranate - 1 handful
    • Guava - 1/2 no ( Chop into squares)
    • Coriander leaves - A few
    • Lime juice  - Few drops
    • Pepper powder - 1/2 tsp
    • Salt - As needed
  • Take a wide bowl and mix all the ingredients given above. Squeeze a few drops of lime juice. Mix well and serve !!

  1. Add two pinches of chat masala to the above recipe to give a nice flavor. But adjust the salt as chat masala contains salt.
  2. U can also add chopped tomato pieces and cucumber pieces when u want to serve instantly otherwise the salad may become watery. 
  3. I usually pack the above salad for my hubby's lunch box without tomato and cucumber.


Aruna Manikandan said...

Healthy delicious salad dear :)

Nisha said...

Thats a beautiful salad

Chitra said...

Thanks aruna & nisha :)

Rekha shoban said...

healthy n colourful salad!!

Prema said...

wow healthy and yummy salad,luks so colourful and tempting...

Unknown said...

Healthy and yummy salad

Tina said...

Healthy and colourful salad...

Raji said...

This is a lovely salad..so colourful.

chef and her kitchen said...

very healthy salad..looks yumm n colorful

Reva said...

Yummy salad.. Lovely combo of ingredients .. fruits and veggies makes life more colourful ..

Indian Khana said...

Colourful and healty ....like this very much

Ramya said...

What a colorful salad:-)

Priya Suresh said...

Wat a healthy,nutritious and beautiful salad..

Sravs said...

Healthy and full of nutrituos salad!!

Ongoing Event - CC-What's For Friday Dinner??

Reshmi Mahesh said...

Healthy yummy salad...colorful..

Hema said...

beautiful salad..

Sobha Shyam said...

colourful and healthy salad, love the combo, thanx a lot for the visit to my space..:)

Valarmathi Sanjeev said...

Healthy and colorful salad, looks yummy.

Jayanthy Kumaran said...

absolutely tempting n yummylicious chitra..:)
Tasty Appetite

Raks said...

Love it,will try with fruits next time..

Sensible Vegetarian said...

Very lovely and healthy looking salad. Looks awesome.

Prathima Rao said...

Healthy & colorful salad!!!
Prathima Rao
Prats Corner

MyKitchen Flavors-BonAppetit!. said...

Hi Chitra,this Salad luks,colourful, yumm and healthy dear.Luv to grab it.

Saraswathy Balakrishnan said...

A very healthy and Delicious looking salad Chit

MyKitchen Flavors-BonAppetit!. said...

Healthy colourful Salad dear.

hemalata said...

Healthy and delicious looking salad.

Anzz said...

Hi Chitra, I love the colors of your dish, and very healthy too. I have tagged you in my site. PLease check back and be a part of the tag.

Kalyani said...

very healthy and delicious .....

MyKitchen Flavors-BonAppetit!. said...

Wow!,Deliciously Colourful and healthy too.

Usha said...

colorful salad! yummy

kunika said...

do you know french. if yes reply me at kunikamahana@rediffmail.com