Last month when i went for grocery purchase , i happened to see this recipe in quaker oats packet.I memorized the recipe & came home ..But i couldn’t try immediately.Yesterday,suddenly i reminded about this & tried with the recipe i had in my mind vaguely.I am not sure whether this is the exact recipe given in the packet.But it came out very flavourful , yummy & tasty.So i thought of posting here.Addition of oats made it more healthy.Do check out my Neer more/spiced buttermilk recipe in interested.
1 cup – 200ml
To grind
To temper
Coriander leaves – to garnish |
Garnish with coriander leaves if desired ! Serve chilled ! |
- For variations u can use either coriander leaves or mint leaves alone for grinding.
- Adjust the amount of curd & water as per ur liking.
- U can also add more chillies if u want it more spicy.
I like the idea of powdering oats.. i hate the oats taste, so this will work just great for me :) will give it a shot
seems very different..good one dear
i generally do not grind it ! :) lovely props u have !
Nice tempting clicks.. I do it but without grinding.. This looks interesting too
Very very healthy and beautiful clicks, love the cute mug…
Nice clicks.. nice recipe and healthy too.
Healthy drink!!
wow very interesting and refreshing mor :) lovely clicks dear :)
healthy mor..perfect for this season…
Very healthy and delicious oats butter milk..prfect 4 summers.
Wat a wonderful way to sneak oats, such an aromatic and prefect summer drink.
nice way to spice up the bland oats.
oh mine i like oats upma but not porridge but this is sure another way to intake healthy
very interesting…lovely pictures..
Love the recipe. Well captured. Love the mugs :)
Sounds interesting, love it anytime! Cute props
ooh..thisis soo interesting..never have thought of addition of oats to buttermilk…cool