August 5, 2013


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I love Nylon sabudana kheer with sugar a lot. But my husband hates it like anything. He can taste it only if the sabudana kheer is with jaggery. So this recipe appears very very rarely in my kitchen. Last week I made this for blogging purpose and enjoyed eating alone ;).

It was absolutely delicious and I was happy that I could make it perfect in my first attempt. I asked my mom & mil for making this payasam because they make this payasam instantly by roasting the nylon javvarisi ( small sized sago) we get in Tamil nadu. So this payasam can be prepared instantly without soaking sabudana. I followed their instructions and the result was ,  a perfect  & delicious payasam. I used nylon javvarisi in this recipe.

U can also use white big ones known as maavu javvirisi in Tamil. For making this payasam with jaggery using white big sago, please check this link. I used sprinklers for decoration as I dint have cashews in hand.  I have used milk and sugar in this recipe. For variations, you can replace them with condensed milk. For rich taste, you can also add coconut milk at the end.
sago-kheer top

1 cup - 240ml
  • Sabudana / Sago/  javvarisi – 1/4 cup ( I used small sized, nylon javvarisi)
  • Water – 2 cups
  • Milk – 1 cup
  • Sugar – 1/4 cup (adjust)
  • Cardamom powder – 1/8 tsp
  • Cashews – few
  • Ghee – 1 tbsp
  • In a kadai , add a tsp of ghee & roast the sago till it  puffs up & turns white..The size will become slightly bigger. Do it in low flame with continuous stirring otherwise sago may be over roasted & burnt. Alternatively you can skin roasting and make it by just washing the nylon javvarisi thrice and cook in required water. 
  • You can also use big, white sago if you don't have nylon javvarisi. But you should wash it twice, soak it overnight adding equal amount of water. ( ie. 1:1 ratio of big sabudana and water).
nylon javvarisi payasam
  • In a bowl, take 2 cups of water and cook this sago till it turns transparent. Keep stirring in regular intervals to avoid sticking to the bottom. Add little more water if needed. It took nearly 10-15 mins to cook. Time may vary..
nylon javvarisi payasam
  • After the sago is completely cooked and becomes almost transparent, add sugar. Mix well & boil for few seconds.
  • Finally add the milk, cardamom powder and boil for 3 minutes to thicken slightly. Roast the cashews in the remaining ghee & add to the kheer. Serve warm or cold..
This kheer tends to thicken when it cools down. So adjust the quantity of milk accordingly.

  • For variations , you can add milk in the sago after its 90% cooked. Cook till done and then add sugar, cardamom powder and nuts. By doing this way, payasam tastes rich. 
  • U can also add 1/4 cup of coconut milk before switching off the flame and it make this dessert more tasty.
  • If you want to soak the sago instead of roasting, soak it for 2 hours if nylon variety & over night or around 12 hours for white big ones.
nylon javvarisi payasam with sugar


Unknown said...

wow sago kheer looks absolutely delicious and yummy dear :)

Unknown said...

my favorite kheer

Unknown said...

Looks delicious..I love it too.,

Happy’s Cook said...

yummy payasam... Even my husband hates it... Have to prepare and enjoy alone :P

chef and her kitchen said...

nice n delicious kheer..I love it too

Shama Nagarajan said...

delicious ....

Priya Anandakumar said...

I love payasams , this paasam looks awesome love it chitra...

great-secret-of-life said...

so tempting clicks.. Looks yumm!

Sona said...

Delicious sago kheer.

Anonymous said...

such a nice twist to roast the sago for this delicious payasam...will certainly save time and taste equally good :-)

Priya Suresh said...

My all time favourite payasam..

Shanthi said...

Perfectly done...My mom does this way....awesome.............

Jeyashris Kitchen said...

Super tempting payasam, my hubby's fav

Divya Shivaraman said...

love this kheer...yours have come out with liquid consistency and i love that...because sometimes when my friends make they are more thick

Suja Manoj said...

Yummy healthy payasam,love it

Vimitha Durai said...

My favorite one. nice