August 20, 2013


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beeda picture

I am a big fan of sweet beeda.My lunch in restaurants never completes without a beeda.In some hotels , beeda is not served in thali .So we used to roam(me & my father) around in search of beeda shops..Now after marriage,Sendhil buys beeda specially for me though he don’t like it much..Recently my MIL gave me a box of gulkand.Though there are many yummy gulkand recipes , beeda flashed in my mind ;)..But never thought i could make beeda at home until i saw this video. Thank u so much vidya lakshmi.From now on I can have yummy home made beedas happily Smile .This beeda is not only tasty,but also helps to digest food easily. Edible calcium paste is helpful for daily dose of calcium needs..So friends , if u have betel leaves in hand ,try this beeda recipe & let me know ur feedback. I hope step by step pictures gives u a clear idea.Surprise ur guests & elders at home with this beeda after a heavy lunch menu.For a simple beeda recipe , please refer “Notes” section..

beeda ingredients

To make one beeda
  • Beetal leaves/ vettrilai /paan leaf – 1 no
  • Sunnaambu /Edible calcium paste – a trace
  • Supari / paakku – 1/4 tsp
  • Paan masala – 1/4 tsp (optional)
  • Sweetened dry ginger or amla – 1 small piece (optional)
  • Colored dessicated coconut strands – few
  • Gulkand – 1/2 tsp
  • Sweet saunf – 1/4 tsp
  • Cloves – 1 no (optional)
  • Cherries – few
  • Plum – 1 no
  • Tooth pick – 1 no

  • Wash the beetle leaf , pat dry with a cloth. Fold the leaf & cut it half way through the stalk part(kaambu) ..
beeda tile1
beeda tile2
  • Apply less than a pinch of sunnambu/lime on the back side of leaf. pinch. Adding more burns the tongue , take care..
beeda tile3
  • Now roll one edge of the leaf to cone shape..Roll the other edge similarly & make a cone (pouch shape)to keep all the ingredients inside.
beeda tile4
  • First add the supari , then keep the dessicated coconut ,pan masala , sweet saunf , gulkand. At last keep a clove & cherries . U can also add a pinch of cardamom powder..Close it.
 beeda tile5
beeda tile6
  • Place a plum on top of beeda & insert a tooth pick OR use a clove to seal it..Serve &enjoy !!
beeda tile7

beeda closeup open - beeda

  • To make a simple beeda recipe , wash the betel leaf & apply sunnambu on both the sides.Use supari , saunf , sugar , cardamom powder ,little honey and make beeda as mentioned above..Seal the beeda with a clove..

Finish ur lunch with a banana & homemade beeda ! It tastes delicious :)

beeda--plate final copy


AparnaRajeshkumar said...

i never thought of preparing beeda ! Fabulous one ! one of your great post ! Bingo !

Unknown said...

Nice and different post.

Chitra said...

Hehe , thanks aparna :)

Jayanthy Kumaran said...

adpoly recipe...looks very tempting
Tasty Appetite

Menaga Sathia said...

Till now never tasted it,nice recipe!!

Jeyashris Kitchen said...

Though i am not a fan of beeda, i always love the way the beedawala makes the beeda. You made it well. Nice post

great-secret-of-life said...

I am big fan of Beeda.. Very tempting

Divya Shivaraman said...

super fab post dear....simply tempting

Janani said...

wow yummy beeda I love it so much I too cant finish my lunch without it. You have a beautiful space chitra nice to know u through blogging :)

Santhosh Selvarajan said...


chef and her kitchen said...

That's a delicious beeda..I like to eat the beedas once in a while especially when we have thalis outside

Unknown said...

wow lovely presentation and beeda looks so yummy :) love them a lot :)

Happy’s Cook said...

nice post and nice idea for sharing this...

Unknown said...

cute and lovely...nice presentation chitra..

jaya's recipes said...

wow that is a real nice and unique post

Chitra said...

Thank u ..Nice to c ur comment santosh , nee comment kudukka naan ipdi special post podanum pola ;)

VineelaSiva said...

Chitra this is the first time I am seeing this kind of post.Love it.Wr did u get all the stuff like edible calcium and gulkand?

meena said...

u have made it so beautifully.kudos to u r effort.

Rasi said...

I am a big fan of beeda too & everytime i have dinner , make sure i have them. You have made them so well :)

Chitrangada said...'s been so long I had beeda, what lovely clicks and lucid explanation. I'm craving for some now.

Chitra said...

I got gulkand from Salem , tamilnadu & edible paste in bangalore. U get gulkand in all departmental stores i guess ..

Gajus kitchen said...

Looks too good and loved the step by step pictures of rolling the beeda.

prethika said...

a very different post ...very clear demonstartion...happy that we can make beedha's at home after seeing your post

Priya Anandakumar said...

Simply superb Chitra, very nicely explained... lovely lovely post....

Nilu A said...

Good one.. Finger-licking beeda's.. Nice clicks too Chitra :-)

Unknown said...

Looks superb... I love it more... :)

Sona said...

Nice post with beautiful pics.

Rashida Shaikh said...


This looks so good, nice post.

Take care.

divyagcp said...

I am a fan of sweet beeda too. You have explained on how to make it very well and presented it beautifully too..

Priya Suresh said...

Wow, just amazing and such an interesting post, never thought of making them at home.

Vimitha Durai said...

Awesome beeda. its my hubbys fav

Radha Natarajan said...

lovely post, well explained, I also love beedas

Selva's Kitchen said...

Chitraits its gr8 to see this beeda as a post.Go ahead.Lovely clicks

Kamal said...

Hi, Chitra. Yesterday I have tried sweet beeda for the 1st time in my life and fall in love with it. I am going to try your recipe, but i have a doubt here. Hope you can help me on this. What is sweet saunf, mixed pan masala and gulkhand? I am living in Malaysia, I have a hard time to look for this items in stores.

Chitra said...

Hello kamal
Sweet saunf , pan masala and gulkand are the condiments used.gulkand is made using dried rose petals.pan masala is optional here.sweet saunf is nothing but sweetened fennel seeds.i guess u can find all these in condiments section of any big departmental stores.

Chitra said...

Please check my notes section for a simple version with easily available ingredients.

Chitra said...

Please check my notes section for a simple version with easily available ingredients.

Maduraimeenakshievents 8939322033 said...

hi chitra how to make icebeeda and recipe????

Chitra said...

I am hearing about Ice beeda for the first time. I am not sure abt the recipe.sorry.