October 8, 2013


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Moong dal sundal - Paasi paruppu sundal

Moong dal sundal / Paasi paruppu sundal is one of the easiest sundal recipes that can be made in minutes.This yellow moong dal sundal ( Payatham paruppu in Tamil) can be done without soaking and the dal gets cooked in no time. Only thing is dal should be cooked perfectly.It should not be over cooked. Yesterday we kept golu and we made sweet pongal & this sundal for first day neivedyam..Do try this easy sundal for navratri.U’ll love it for sure

moong dal-sundal

Moong dal sundal recipe

Moong dal sundal recipe Paasi paruppu sundal/Moong dal sundal recipe for Navratri
Cuisine: Indian
Category: Snacks
Serves: Serves 2
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook time: 20 Minutes
Total time: 30 Minutes

1 cup - 250ml
  • Yellow moong dal / paasi paruppu – 1/2 cup
  • Salt & water – as needed
To temper
  • Coconut oil – 1.5 tbsp
  • Mustard seeds – 1/2 tsp
  • Urad dal – 1 tsp
  • Red chilli – 1 no
  • Green chillies – 2 nos
  • Curry leaves – few
  • Asafetida/hing – 1/4 tsp
  • In a bowl , take the required quantity of water and add the moong dal , turmeric powder , salt .Let it cook in high flame for8-10 minutes.Stir in between to see the dal is cooked perfectly.Dal should break but not be mushy. It should be just blossomed.Remove and drain the excess water using a colander.
moong dal sundal tile1

  • In a kadai , heat oil and temper mustard , urad dal , chillies , curry leaves and hing. Saute for a minute till dal turns golden brown.Now add the cooked moong dal and mix it gently.
  • Lastly just before switching off the flame , add the grated coconut.. Stir gently and switch off the flame.
moong dal sundal tile2
Offer to Durga and get her blessings , Enjoy !

Here is the picture of this year's golu at our home :)
kolu picture


Unknown said...

simple and healthy sundal....nice and lovely golu...

AparnaRajeshkumar said...

thats pretty neat golu !

Mahi said...

Beautiful Golu! Protein packed sundal!

We had a Pillaiyar idol (the center piece in the top) back home..same color I guess! :)

Unknown said...

wow beautiful golu arrangements dear :) sundal looks so yummy and a healthy one !!

Sona said...

Nice golu. Sundal looks yummy and delicious.

Unknown said...

Beautiful decoration.. Looks so yummy and healthy dish..

Nilu A said...

Loved this sundal Chitra.. Soo healthy.. Would love to try :-)

Priya Suresh said...

Am missing golu here, fantastic that i can see a beautiful arranged set, thanks for this virtual treat Chitra.. Delicious sundal.

cookingwithsapana said...

Healthy and delicious sundal . Golu pictures are wonderful , happy Navratri to you..

Priya Anandakumar said...

Very neatly and cutely arranged Golu, missing golu, wishing to start Golu back in Chennai next year. I love the cute chettiyar bommai with the sundal. Very healthy and yummy sundal....

Gajus kitchen said...

Lovely Golu and such a quick and tasty sundal for Neivedhyam

Savi-Ruchi said...

beautiful gombe(in Kannada) arrangement (golu as you call it in Tamil). You made me nostalgic.

sonaramji said...

beautiful golu.

Sangeetha Priya said...

wonderful set and delicious sundal...

Raks said...

Golu looks neat and perfect, great job :)

Jeyashris Kitchen said...

Lovely Golu and perfectly made sundal

Happy’s Cook said...

lovely collection......

Anonymous said...

Its a nice post... And there are actually many healthy ways to fast during Navratri... Uncover some more scrumptious Navratri Delicacies @ http://bit.ly/1hwfTnG