
February 28, 2014


This post was lying in my drafts for long time.As i mentioned in my Purple Cabbage Poriyal recipe, i tried poriyal and salad with this cabbage for the first time.I must thank my friend Shalini for telling this simple and easy Indian style salad recipe.It was very nice and we just loved its crunchy taste.The same recipe can be followed for Red Cabbage too.U have to consume this salad immediately to enjoy its Fresh,crunchy taste.As u all know,Purple Cabbage is loaded with Anti oxidants which helps the body to fight against diseases and also makes our skin clear & flexible .I have used Olive oil and pepper powder for salad dressing.U can also try adding Roasted & chopped Almonds or ground nuts to make it more crunchy with nutty flavour.By this way,kids may like it.

Purple Cabbage Salad Recipe

Purple Cabbage Salad Recipe Purple Cabbage Salad – Easy,Colorful,healthy salad recipe !
Cuisine: Indian
Category: Salad
Serves: Serves 2
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook time: 5 Minutes
Total time: 15 Minutes


  • Purple Cabbage - 1/2 cup
  • Carrot - 1 no (small)
  • Big onion - 1 no
  • Sweet corn – a handful (optional)
  • Tomato (Deseeded) - 1 no
  • Coriander leaves- a tbsp (optional)
  • Pepper powder - as needed
  • Olive oil – 2tsp
  • Lemon juice – few drops
  • Salt - as reqd

  • Wash and chop all the vegetables into thin long strips.
  • In a bowl,take olive oil,salt,Pepper powder and lemon juice.Mix well.
  • Now add all the chopped vegetables.Mix well and serve immediately.
  • Add sweet corn and coriander leaves to make it more colorful and flavourful..


  • I used white pepper powder here.U can use black pepper powder too.
  • Use deseeded tomato.I used Bangalore tomato in this recipe.


  1. Healthy and very colorful salad dear ..Amazing clicks too :)

  2. Healthy salad recipe, pics are inviting.

  3. call it salad i am in ... yes i make this when i have excess veggies.

  4. I never tried salads with purple cabbage .. have some in pantry! must try...

  5. Yummy salad. Your photos are amazing and the fonts you use are peculiar that matches the photos very well.

  6. The salad looks colourful,fresh and inviting.

  7. healthy salad n inviting pics dear :-)

  8. i buy purple cabbage too but havent tried salad yet ...looks so inviting

  9. very healthy and delicious salad. Lovely!


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