
July 15, 2014

Millet - Types Of Millets, Health Benefits, Names (Kambu, Thinai, Saamai, Varagu, Kuthiraivali, Ragi)

Today's post is about different types of millets in India, its health benefits, millet names in different languages like English, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada, nutritional information / calories for millets. I must thank my in-laws for giving me knowledge about these millets varieties (Siruthaniyam in Tamil). Nowadays people are becoming more and more health conscious. We all started looking for some better alternatives for rice and wheat to reduce its daily consumption. For those people, millets are really wonder grains or miracle grains I should say.

Millets are the power house of fiber, calcium, minerals & Iron. When my in-laws told me about these millets I had no idea of how it looks, where to buy & how to cook them too. So my FIL bought me 1/2 kg in each variety from Lee bazaar, Salem – Tamil nadu. I tried some recipes with it and everything came out very well. Then I started buying some varieties like Kambu, Thinai & Varagu from a shop nearby my house in Bangalore. 

Different types of millets
Different types of millets in India

Nowadays millets are available all over India and abroad in super markets like Dmart, Reliance mart, Nilgiris and online like Big basket, Amazon, flipkart, even in Swiggy, Zepto. In abroad you can find millets in Indian grocery shops. 

Before sharing all those millet recipes, I wanted to make a post mentioning about the different types of millets, How to identify them, How to name it in different languages, where to buy & its health benefits, who should not eat millets, side effects etc. I have made a separate post on “How to cook Millets” in pressure cooker and open pan. 

This post would be more of essays/stories with pictures. This is just an introductory post for millets. I will share some interesting recipes from next week. Thanks for visiting this page. Hope it would be useful for beginners. Start including millets in your daily cooking. Have a happy and healthy life !

U can find these topics below

What is millet

Names of millets in different languages

Where to buy millets in Bangalore

Health benefits of millets

Foxtail millet

Pearl millet

Barnyard millet

Little millet

Finger millet

Kodo millet

How to cook millet rice

Disclaimer : All the nutritional information given here is from a millet book and

Check out my "HOW TO COOK MILLETS" in 3 different ways if interested !

Also see my varieties of  MILLET RECIPES to include in your regular cooking. 


Millets in India
Millet varieties in India


Millets are a group of highly variable small-seeded grasses, widely grown around the world as cereal crops or grains for both human food and fodder. Its not just a type of bird seed. It can be consumed by humans in the form of pilafs, snacks and cookies too. It has a sweet nutty flavor. Millets are widely grown in Africa and Northen China. It is gluten free & rich in calcium, fiber, protein and minerals. It has high nutritional values when compared with rice and wheat. Millets are called as miracle grains or wonder grains. It is a great food for people looking for weight loss, diabetic and cardiac patients.

Should anyone avoid eating it?

People with thyroid problems should avoid eating millet on a daily basis as it is believed to contain some goitrogen properties. Some people may also experience indigestion. So consume in moderation. Its better to pre soak millets for 6 hours, drain the soaked water and then use it. It helps to avoid indigestion and stomach problems. 

Choose millets based on the climate / season and consume it to reap its complete health benefits. For eg: Kambu is good during summer season. 


Source: Google and Wikipedia


English Tamil
Finger Millet Kezhvaragu
Kodo Millet Varagu
Foxtail Millet Thinai
Little Millet Samai
Barnyard Millet Kuthiravali
Pearl Millet Kambu
Sorghum Cholam


English Hindi
Finger Millet Nachani /mundua
Kodo Millet Koden/Kodra
Foxtail Millet Kangni/Rala
Little Millet Kutki
Barnyard Millet Jhangora
Pearl Millet Bajra
Sorghum Jowar


English Telugu
Finger Millet Ragula
Kodo Millet Arikelu
Foxtail Millet Korra
Little Millet Sama
Barnyard Millet Odalu
Pearl Millet Sajjalu
Sorghum Jonna


English Kannada
Finger Millet Ragi
Kodo Millet Harka
Foxtail Millet Navane
Little Millet Saame
Barnyard Millet Oodalu
Pearl Millet Sajje
Sorghum Jola


English Malayalam
Finger Millet Panji pullu
Kodo Millet Koovaragu
Foxtail Millet Thina
Little Millet Chama
Barnyard Millet Kavadapullu
Pearl Millet Kambam
Sorghum Cholam


You can find millets in most of the organic stores, online organic shops and departmental stores like Big bazaar, Metro cash and carry, Nilgiris, Dmart in metro cities like Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and Mumbai.

There are some other shops who supply millets from farmers to the end users. Here is the list.

For more details on organic stores in Bangalore, You can try Organic mandya in HSR layout. Dmart Healthy choice brand is good. Manna Millet is really bad. Most of the time it has dust and sand in it., +919440870875

Sahaja OrganicsNew No. 19, Old No. 665, 1st floor, Opp: Times of India, Sajjanrao road, VV Puram 080 26612315/ 26661420

Timbuktu OrganicsYou can buy their products across outlets in Bangalore.

Era Organics – No. 348, Dollars Colony, RMV Club Double Road, RMV Second Stage Ph: 80- 41606003/41606004

Navadarshanam, stocked in Mother Earth, Namdhari and other retail stores across the city.

Nativefoodstore for Chennai people and online purchase. 

Jallikat organic shop near hosa road, Electronic city. You can purchase online too. 

Nowadays Millets are widely available in all over India. You can find in big departmental stores like Dmart, Metro cash n carry, Big bazaar, Nilgiris etc or in online like big basket, etc. For people in US, visit your nearest Indian grocery store like Patel brothers, Swagat, Dookan etc. 

Please check my Indian monthly grocery list for shopping if interested. 


These are some of the general health benefits of millets when consumed everyday. But moderation is the key. Do not consume millets for every meal as it gives more harm than its benefits. 

  • Millets are generally rich in Protein, Fibre, Calcium, Iron & Minerals especially Magnesium, copper & phosphorous.
  • It helps to reduce cholesterol, lowers blood pressure. It helps in the development, repair of body cells and tissues.
  • It helps to lower the risk of Type 2 Diabetes especially for women as it has low GI.
  • Its high insoluble fibre helps to prevent Gallstones formation.
  • Pre-menopausal women eating millets have a reduced breast cancer risk. 
  • It helps to prevent constipation. 

How to select and buy millets

Millet is generally available in its hulled and whole-grain form. It is available in pre-packaged as well as in bulk containers. Just as with any other food that you may purchase in the bulk section, make sure that the bins containing the millet are covered to ensure its maximal freshness. Whether purchasing millet in bulk or in a packaged container, make sure that there is no evidence of moisture.
Store millet in an airtight container in a cool, dry and dark place, where it will keep for several months.
Millet is not a commonly allergenic food and is not known to contain measurable amounts of oxalates or purines.

Check out my "HOW TO COOK MILLETS" in 3 different ways if interested !

Check out my Millet Energy mix powder / Millet sathumaavu too. 


Pearl millet /kambu
Kambu/Pearl millet

Pearl millet known as Kambu in Tamil, Bajra in Hindi, Sajje in Kannada, Sajjalu in Telugu and Kambam in Malayalam is a miracle millet which has iron that is 8 times of rice. It is very rich in Calcium, Protein, Iron and Magnesium. It helps to reduce the bad cholestral level in our body. Its a great body coolant. Its consumed as porridge during summer. It helps to improve the digestion power & heals stomach ulcers too. It helps to improve bowel movements and prevents constipation. It makes our body strong. It helps to increase the secretion of milk for lactating mothers !

Nutrition Information Per 100gm

Serving Size The serving size, in terms of the number of volume or mass
Calories 378kcal for 100gm

Minerals (grams) 2.3
Iron(mg) 16.9
Calcium (mg) 38
Protein (grams) 10.6
Fiber (grams)


Check out my Kambu recipes to make kids eat them.


Finger millet popularly known as Ragi in Kannada, Keppai in tamil, Ragula in Telugu & panji pullu in Malayalam, Nachani/mandua in Hindi is a well known millet & consumed widely by the people all over the world. Ragi has the highest mineral & calcium content when compared to all whole grains & minerals. It is called as wonder grain. It is a powerhouse of protein & amino acids. It helps to reduce the heat of the body. It also helps to heal ulcers & anemia. Its a great replacement for rice & wheat especially for diabetic patients.

Nutrition Information for 100gm

Serving Size The serving size, in terms of the number of volume or mass

Iron (mg) 3.9
Calcium(mg) 344
Fat (grams) 8.4
Protein (grams) 7.3
Fiber (grams) 3.6
Minerals (grams) 2.7

Check out my various RAGI RECIPES too !


foxtail millet- thinai
Foxtail millet/ thinai

Foxtail millet known as thinai in Tamil, Kangni/Rala in Hindi, Navane in Kannada, Korra in telugu and thina in Malayalam is first of millet varities that was used in ancient days. Foxtail millet is high in carbohydrates. It is rich in dietry fiber and minerals such as Copper and Iron. It helps us to keep our body strong and immune. It helps to control blood sugar and cholesteral levels.

Nutrition Information for 100gm
Serving Size The serving size, in terms of the number of volume or mass
Calories 364
Minerals(grams) 3.3
Iron(g) 2.8
Calcium (Milli grams) 31
Fat (grams)4.3
Protein (grams) 12.3
Fiber (grams) 8

Check out my 



Kodo millet/ Varagu

Kodo millet known as varagu in Tamil, Harka in Kannada, Koovaragu in Malayalam, Kodra in Hindi and Arikelu in Telugu. Its basically a digestion friendly millet. It is rich in phytochemicals, Phytate that helps in reduction of cancer risks. It helps to reduce the body weight which is most needed for obese people. It helps to overcome irregular period problems in women. It helps to reduce knee & joint pains. Also it is good for diabetic people. It reduces nervous disorders especially in eyes.

Nutrition Information Per 100gms
Serving Size The serving size, in terms of the number of volume or mass
Calories 309
Fat (grams) 2.2
Iron (mg) 0.8
Calcium (milligrams) 14
Minerals(grams) 1.9
Protein (grams) 12.5
Fiber (grams) 2.2

Check out my


Barnyard millet - Kuthiravali

Barnyard millet known as kuthiraivali in Tamil, Oodalu in Kannada, odalu in Telugu, Jhangora in Hindi and Kavadapullu in Malayalam which has 6 times high fiber content when compared with wheat. Its a gluten free millet with high calcium, phosporous & fiber. It is high in carbohydates & fat too. It helps to maintain the body temperature. It acts as a good anti oxidant too.

Nutrition Information Per 100gms

Serving Size The serving size, in terms of the number of volume or mass
Calories 342
Iron(mg) 15.2
Fat (grams) 4
Calcium(Milli grams) 11
Protein (grams) 11.2
Fiber (grams) 10.1
Minerals(grams) 4.4

Check out my


Little millet - Saamai
Little millet - Saamai

Little millet known as saamai in Tamil, Kutki in Hindi, Saame in Kannada,Sama in Telugu & chama in Malayalam is a wonderful millet which is suitable for people of all age groups. It helps to prevent constipation & heals all the problems related to stomach. It improves the semen counts of men. It also helps for women with irregular periods problems. Its high fiber helps to reduce the fat depositions in the body.

Nutrition Information Per 100gms

Serving Size The serving size, in terms of the number of volume or mass
Calories 207
Minerals(grams) 1.5
Protein (grams) 7.7
Fiber (grams) 7.6

You may like to see



Check out my "HOW TO COOK MILLETS" in 3 different ways if interested !

Also see my varieties of MILLET RECIPES to include in your regular cooking.

Check out my Millet Energy mix powder / Millet sathumaavu  and a sweet ladoo recipe with millet powder. 

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  1. I known abt tis millets but share few recipe if u know

    1. Yes i will share some recipes from next week.This is just a intro post :)

    2. Richmillet offers Millets in Hyderabad and different types of recipes which are highly nutritional benefited to health.

    3. We is a one stop online Native food stuff store.Our products are naturally grown and processed in a traditional way.Doorstep delivery available for Chennai in 48 hrs and other parts of Tamil Nadu(48-72 hrs).

  2. I need recipe on foxtail millets.

    1. Mam can we have all millets while trying to conceive mam during pregnant time..please let me know mam..I'm vegetarian so I like to add instead of rice not wheat for nutrition value

    2. Hi,You can have moderate quantity.May be twice in a week.

  3. I was planning to do this article also.. nice post very useful too

  4. Chitra, Thanks for the the detail post on Millets with beautiful close up images. We get almost all millets here..recent surprise find was chinese red sorghum that is wonderful to use in mix millets soups.

    1. Red sorghum is new to me. One sad thing is we don't get all these millets everywhere.we get only in fews shops :( .tats the only difficulty .

  5. Nice post...I too had taken pictures to write a post for millets...Yours very informative...Thanks....

  6. great info always wondered what ragi was mum in law often has for breakfast

  7. this is such an informative post!! Thanks... i never realised all these were millets until now...

  8. such an informative post!!! I have never cooked with any millet, umma only uses ragi in powder format, nothing else... really interested in including it as a part of my diet... would come back to refer here when required... :)

  9. Good one Chitra, very useful info...thanks for sharing :)

  10. very useful post.. in this i dont know 2 types of millet.. will stay tuned for ur recipes..

  11. Thank you, Chitra. There is a School of Thought that Ragi is not good for high Blood-Pressure patients. Is it true?

    1. As far as i know,Ragi is very good for diabetic and BP patients.I found this result from here :Reduces the risk of stroke – In its early stages of growth, that is, when it is still green, ragi can help prevent high blood pressure. The cholesterol levels in blood can be regulated too, leading to less plaque formation and blockage of vessels. As a result the risk for hypertension and stroke goes down significantly. Source :


    3. Sorry I am not sure about it.

  12. Superbly composed & presented. Very professional. My best wishes for your effort. Chitra, how can I get these millet across to this part of the world- UK. I have been really hunting in the recent past for Horse Gram - Kollu in Tami,l to no avail. The shopkeepers, though Indians, do not semm to have heard of it,ever. A Malabari - Kerala shop owner knew the millet but did not have in stock. I need to find a mechanism to get these millet to Europe, in small quantities, and make it known to those interested. Any suggestion, be my guest.

    1. Thanks for your sweet words.There are some organic websites which sell these millets.U can enquire whether they deliver products to UK.I will ask my frnds for help.Thanks.

    2. may i know the quantity of kollu required to be sent

    3. East ham in London where you will many Tamil people and their shops there. You can even get sweet bida

  13. I am from kallakurichy-606202 Tamil nadu nd intrested to supply these millets from my area if intrested pls mail to aarkey!

    1. Thank u Sir.I will give ur mail id to my friends. please mail me the details about the price n method of delivery. Hope u can deliver all over the world

  14. Hi Chitra! Could you please email me at I have a few questions and I guess you might be the right person to start with in search of some answers. Would be much appreciated. Thanks!!

    1. Hi , I have mailed u.Pls chk it :)

    2. Rxtremely useful, can these types be toasted n mixed n then ground together to be consumed with milk

    3. Yes of course.U can .Please check my post on "Millet energy mix powder".

    4. Dear Madam

      kindly advice what is yellow millet. And what it is called in tamil

      And we are looking for huge quantity.

      With regds

    5. Yellow millet must be foxtail millet.It is called as Thinai in tamil. U can get in organic stores.

  15. Hi, The info on the millets are so useful, and I would like to know Glycemic index also.

  16. Thanks a lot fr yur info chitra..I knw only 3 millets...amazed abt it

  17. Thanks a lot fr yur info chitra...I knw only 3 millets ...amazed abt it

  18. very useful and informative post. thanks a lot...

  19. For Millets in Singapore..

      we have process all types of organic minor millets
      kodo millet (varagu arisi)
      barnyard millet(kuthiraivalli arisi)
      little finger millet(samai arisi)
      foxtail millet(thinai arisi)
      pearls millet(kambu arisi)

  20. Hey Chitra, thank you for such an informative piece of post. I was searching some alkaline cereals with their pics and Hindi names and i found here. would you please share some alkaline Indian recipes sometimes soon.

  21. thank you so much Chitra...but I actually get confused with kuthiravaali ,varagu and saamai..could u pls tell me how to identify them

  22. Yes its difficult to identify but if u buy them regularly,u will come to know.Kuthiravali has light yellow color when compared with the other two.The size of varagu would be slightly bigger than saamai.But its always better to keep them in a labeled covers.I do that usually :)

  23. Wow, great information here Chitra. Thank you. Highly appreciate you passing on the knowledge to rest of us and thanks to your in-laws as well.

  24. Hi Chitra - I was looking for difference between Millet and Grains and come across your site. You are doing a great job. Please keep it up. You should do a newsletter kind of thing that sums up all your posts and what you are doing in this area and publish once a month. Let your blog readers subscribe to that.

    What do you think is difference between millets and grains?

    1. Hi,Thanks for your sweet words.Please check this link.You can get some ideas about the difference:

  25. Good post Ma'm.. Keep up the good work.. I have a doubt though... ithellam saapda taste-a irukkatha?? Or am I cooking it in a wrong way?? or is it like, if you want to eat healthy, you must sacrifice all the tastes??

  26. Hello,Thanks.Its definitely not tasty like rice.But still we can make some recipes like millet idli,dosa & upma varieties that tastes equal to our normal food :) Please check my millet recipes list.U can find some choice for you :

    1. Thanks a lot for the reply ma'm..!! have already checked out ur recipes... yet to try them..

  27. Chitra can you tell me whether high Carbohydrate (grams) 108 in Barnyard millet known as kuthiravali is good for diabetics patient, usually we avoid Rice because it has more Carbohydrate

    1. Hello,Even though it has high carbohydrate,it is rich in fiber too.So its considered to be good fo diabetics.I browsed through the reasons and found this.Thanks for asking this question.Now i too came to know :)

  28. Madam Chitra , when I was just 12 yrs old, my father ex-army officer lost all his retirement benefits as he was cheated after he returned to south by friends and relatives. However my mother stayed back with us and we were not having much for our expenses as all the 3 of us were going to Kendriya Vidayalaya.

    We were eyesore for many as they used to comment "these people dont have money for food but are studying in convent" At that time I discovered Barnyard millet known as kuthiravali - I was able to get 8 padi - 22 KGs for 1 rupee [1969] whereas nice Rice was sold between Rs 2.00 to 4.00 a KG.

    We ate Barnyard millet known as kuthiravali for many years as it was just like Rice and you can prepare all the required dishes that was prepare from Rice

    I love the taste of this millet

    Only now I am not able to buy this in Bulk as its sold for Rs 90.00 a KG and Rice and Wheat are available half the price of Barnyard millet

    How surprising

    1. Yes sir.You are right about the cost.Earlier people were not aware of its health benefits.So its price was less.Now tables turned and Millets are in high demand.So price also went high :)

  29. Hi Chitra, If you're based in Bangalore, you'll be pleased to know that millets can be ordered online at They even have home delivery option. Check it out.

    1. Thank u so much for sharing this info.I was looking for an online store in Bangalore.This is really helpful :)

  30. So educative. We eat only these millets. Nourishing, and filling. We can make any dish that are cooked with rice.

  31. Hi Chitra , This is mind blowing post and a great treasure for the people in our generation as our parents forgot to transfer these knowledge from their forefathers. This information would definitely useful for folks with health consious. Thank a lot and pls keep up the good work.As some one previously posted that you are surely eligible to run a monthly news letter.I agree with it.Please expand your thoughts and still you are capable of reaching higher hights in this . God bless you .

    1. Thanks a lot for your encouraging words. I will try to add more recipes using millets :)

    2. Thanks a lot for your encouraging words. I will try to add more recipes using millets :)

  32. Thanks a lot for the encouraging and informative post. Just now made khichdi with barnyard millet. Came out really well, tasty and filling.

  33. Hi , terrific information. I have bought foxtail millet assuming that it will be BHAGAR used for fasting. However thanks as such I was able to gather so much of good awareness. Request if you can share recepie for foxtail millet?

  34. Hi , terrific information. I came to know about foxtail millet in detail. Request to share pls receipies for foxtail millet.

  35. Thank you.Please check this link to view my millet recipes :

  36. Hi - 38 grams of calcium per 100 grams of Kambu and 31 grams of calcium per 100 grams of foxtail millet can't be right. These levels can be extremely harmful for the body.

    1. Yes Iron & Calcium are in Milligrams. Its a typo.Thanks for pointing out.

  37. Mam u have given excellent info.I have used Ragi d kambu bt that to rarely.after reading this I wish to use it regulates.I'm suffering from irregular periods.I have 2 kids.I wish to make them definitely try to use millets.I wish to c all ur recipes mam.awaiting fr ur posts mam.

  38. Mam u have given excellent info.I have used Ragi d kambu bt that to rarely.after reading this I wish to use it regulates.I'm suffering from irregular periods.I have 2 kids.I wish to make them definitely try to use millets.I wish to c all ur recipes mam.awaiting fr ur posts mam.

    1. Hi Shobana,Thanks.Yes,you can include millets in ur diet for a healthy lifestyle.Practice ur kids too.I have shared many millet recipes already.Please check the menu tabs.Thanks :)

  39. Hi Chitra, I got 25kg Each Saamai and Varagu. how can I keep this without effecting any insects or fungus (chellu).

  40. Hi,I am not sure about this but i am sharing a tip we follow for storing rice.Take some dried neem leaves,wrap in a paper and put it inside the container.I guess it would stay good.But use the millets asap.If possible,spread the millets in a tray and keep it under the sun once in a month.

  41. Very useful information Chitra Ji...Please help me on a suitable millet or combination with details how to use it for Rheumatoid Arthritis patient. I was told that Kodu, foxtail and Little Millet (combination I dont know) will drastically reduce the disease and give relief.. Please help.. My email Id is : Sathyanarayana K.J. Bangalore.

    1. Hello sir, thanks.Regarding millets, you can roast n grind the above said millets in equal quantities, powder them in a mill n store it for months.we can make dosa or porridge with this flour. Its very similar to health mix.other than this u can consume these 3 millets as idli dosa, pongal,uppittu or even cooked as rice for lunch.But please consume in limited quantity say twice or thrice a week.Please refer my millet recipes page in menu tab for more ideas.thanks

    2. Millets can be taken as a food more than a medicine. So iam not sure abt rheumatoid treatment using millets.

  42. If possible include ORAC values of these millet. For example Cholam is in top 20 list of highest ORAC value.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion.This term is new to me.Will look for it.

    2. Very nice and useful information. We are using it since one year of all varieties .Also make dosa batter using this .it's good . All varieties of dish which we make with rice ,we make in this and is very tasty .In fact we feel light in stomach and not the heavy feeling which is felt in rice . Only thing we are still not able to get the proper water proportion and avoid it becoming solid after sometime .can you please tell me what is Sunaina in food means ?? .what kind of a food variety it is ? Let me also know where I can get a direct supplier of these varieties , as the grocery stores are selling it at a premium price .!!

    3. Hello,Thanks for sharing your experience.Usually milltes need 1:2.5 cups of water. Add a tsp of oil while cooking.It may take up to 3 cups.It will look mushy when hot but when you fluff it with a fork carefully and spread in a plate,it will stay separate and avoid becoming solid.I have tried for millet suppliers but they sell only in bulk around 25kgs.You can try buying them in wholesale grocery markets in your place where u may get little cheaper than stores.I am not sure about Sunaina but i din't get any.Sorry..

  43. Thank you for taking the pain to list each millet with its composition. We have been using Millets since a month and we feel good so far. We are getting creative by the day and are coming up with variety of recipes.

  44. Thank you Ma'm. Just the info I was looking for.

  45. Hi Chitra,
    Excellent post. I would appreciate if you could email me a recipe for Kambu thosai and Kudiravali uppuma. my email address is

    1. Thanks.Here is the link for dosa & upma.I have mailed the same.
      Dosa :
      Upma :

    2. Thanks for the informative post
      Can i mix the millets and use

  46. Thank you so much for your informative post.
    Can we mix the millets and use them to make dosa and adai

    1. yes you can use. I have posted a mixed millets powder recipe.Here is the link :

  47. Iam a millet grower from karnataka. We have kodo millet ,foxtail millet,barnyard millet and pearl millet. Contact me on 9845098698

  48. Hi All,

    I am selling this health mix powder

    It will be healthy for 6 months baby to 80 yrs persons

    It is purely homemade, no side effects, I used in this more than 25 products.

    I saw the content in your blog, most of them wants bulk (like working peoples), I am prepare myself and sale this for 2012 itself.

    I am from Salem.

    If anyone asking you bulk means please refer me.

    For more details msg me
    mail id :

    Thanks in advance

    1. Thanks for the info Lavanya.I will refer you 😊

  49. Thank you for this important information.

    I recently bought 2 kinds of millet in an Asian store, one called 'Glutinous Indian Millet' (looks very much like red sorghum), and another -- 'Glutinous Millet' (tiny round green-yellow seeds, like mustard). I'm trying to find out what species they are. All sources say that millets are gluten-free. I'd appreciate any help.

  50. Thank you for this important information.

    I recently bought 2 kinds of millet in an Asian store, one called 'Glutinous Indian Millet' (looks very much like red sorghum), and another -- 'Glutinous Millet' (tiny round green-yellow seeds, like mustard). I'm trying to find out what species they are. All sources say that millets are gluten-free. I'd appreciate any help.

    1. I think red ones must be pearl millet and yellow ones are foxtail millets.thank you 😊

  51. Thank you very much for this detailed post.

  52. thanks Maam for the informative article

  53. Hi Chitra thanks for ur information, l hearc abt millets bt not this much detail, l will feed these in house

    ch hills


    1. --
      Thanks & Regards
      Sugi Nair - S
      Akshaa Foods Corporation
      318 PH Road, 8th Floor EGA Trade Centre
      Kilpauk , Chennai - 600010
      Phone : 98843 - 12829 ,98843 92829 , 044 26424409

  54. Chithra Mam,
    i am very much impressed the way you arranged the lovely millets. Me too supplying all the quality millets to the needy. Anyone interested kindly
    contact me through my eamil

  55. Hi it is very interesting to know the useful of millets. I saw the awareness program on millets conducted by Dr. Kadar and found amazing. Based on this I bought navane, harka, saame and sujje. I have used sajje for making rotti, navane for dosa and harka for rice. It is found to be very tasty. But when we used harka as rice for two days, all the 3 members in the family had indigestion. Then we stopped harka for two days and used normal rice. We found no problem on health. Again 3rd day we used harka, found same issue repeated. But it is not happened in other millets which was used. Please can you tell us what would be the reason for indigestion? Are we making any mistake in cooking? Please suggest.

    1. Hi Lakshmi,
      Millets are good for health. But it should be consumed moderately. Basically Harka takes more time to digest. Its good for diabetic people as it digest slowly and keeps us filling. I think the problem is with continuous consumption for 2 days. Its enough if you include millets twice or thrice in a week and that too varieties, not the same millet.Just try using harka once in a week and see how it works for you. Thanks :)

    2. Hi Chitra,
      Thanks for your valuable suggestion. When I heard from Dr.Kadar's seminor in youtube, he mentioned that replacement of rice and wheat are these millets. He suggested to use in every day food in place of rice. Let us try out as you have suggested now.


  56. please confirm the availability of BARNYARD MILLET/KUTHIRAVALI

  57. Hi this is thulasi I am following killet diet.i am using all millrts u mentioned above breakfast is pearl millet, sorghum, foxtail dosas lunch is little millet and so on rice dimmer is wheat this diet causes any side effect??? I do noy havr any thyroid complaint.

    1. Hi, You can continue. Make sure you don't have any indigestion issues too. Sometimes millet may cause it. Thanks

  58. Hi Chitra,

    Thanks for the wonderful info. I live in US and can't find most of the millets here. I only find Bajra, ragi, jowar, saamo, kodra. Can you please tell me where I can find other millets?

    1. Hi, I am not sure in US. Please chck Indian stores and Amazon. I will enquire my friends over there and update it. Thanks.

  59. Hi Chitra,

    It is a nice post to know about Millets. Great information with calories. I am pregnant (32 weeks) and got gestational diabetes. Can i give a try of saamai, varagu and kuthiraivali?
    Many thanks

    Buy quality Millets online.Home delivery and Store Pickup available.
    Introducing a food category -- Forgotten foods

  61. Hi Chaitra,

    I am 33 & my both parents are diabetic. I am on boarder line so wanted to know which millets should i consume & how much & how many times?

    1. Hello,
      As far as I know,Foxtail millet and Kodo millet can be consumed by diabetic patients in moderate quantity. Its better to have it twice a week as over consumption may lead to imbalanced thyroid levels. I am not a nutritionist or a Doctor. I have shared this based on my knowledge and from the articles I came across. Please consult with your doctor for the best suggestion. Thanks !

  62. Thanks Chitra for the info. I will consult doctor & follow accordingly.

  63. Hi chitra nice info abt millets...can we do regular baking with millets..can we use jowar(sorghum)flour for baking?share some baking recipes please

  64. Thank you :)I am not sure about cakes.But I have seen biscuits using millets. Even I have shared Ragi + Oats biscuits in my space.Jowar cake and cookies can be prepared with the flour. I will try some recipes and share here for sure.

  65. Hi Madam, Is 'Naattu kambu' available in bangalore?

    1. There is an organic store in Jayangar. You can check there.

  66. Hi this Madhavi I'll prepare different types of millet dish,snacks and we use organic ingredients and prepare the snacks with eco friendly packaging.....

  67. I get a cold whenever I have ragi porridge. Same with mixed millet and moong dal khitchdi. How do I prevent this.

  68. Sorry, I am not sure. Please consult your Doctor. Basically Ragi and mixed millets make the body cool. So the coolant effect may lead to cold. Pls chck with your Doc. Thanks.

  69. Hi, Can i have raw kambu just like that, without roasting or preparing any recipe.

    Thanks in advance

  70. Replies
    1. Sorry Iam not sure about it. Please consult your pediatrician.

  71. The photographs displayed here are of polished millets. The original colour of millets is entirely different from the one shown here. Please try to replace them with originals. Adv. P P Baburaj, Mysore.

    1. Hello Sir, I have shared the pictures of millets that are widely available in the market. If you have the pictures of unpolished ones, please mail me. I will include them with due credits to you. Thanks.

  72. Please let me know the name of Brown top millet name in Tamil,as it was called Andu korralu in telugu

  73. Is this Miller's available in keral..any idea..tx a lot

    1. Yes it must be available in all organic stores and big departmental stores.

  74. All these types available in kerala/in Muscat.

  75. we are also manufacturing millets from direct farms house
    Akshaa Foods Corporation
    # 318, PH Road
    8th Floor EGA TRADE CENTRE
    Kilpauk , Chennai – 600010
    Mobile : 98843 12829 / 98843 92829 / 044 – 26424409

  76. Great info madam ! But i have a doubt if we could mix more than one variety of these millets and cook

    1. Thank you. I think it's not bad. I have tried this way.

  77. A lovely post. Great basic knowledge for people who are beginning to eat the millets. Thank you for sharing. My mom has made a coarse mixture of all these millets mixed together along with kollu, black jeera, corn, barley, bamboo rice, mapilla samba. I cook 1 cup of this mixture as a porridge and eat them instead of white rice or chappati. I feel amazing.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your recipe. I will try sometime 😊

  78. Thank you sharing. A lovely info. My mom has made a mixture of these with few other grains. I make them as a porridge and eat for my lunch instead of white rice and rotis. it feels amazing.

  79. Hi sissy i want rice variety all example ponni, mapilai samba, poonkar like ti's anyone know please tel me

    1. Hi I will try to make a post for it. Thanks

  80. I want rice details can anyone update me

  81. I want rice details can anyone update me

  82. In ten days my sugar level decreases from 194 to 121 (fasting) using thismillet kanji only (night)

    1. Great to know that. May I know which millet you use? Anything specific or combo ?

  83. I found horse gram is good to lose weight and keep fit.

  84. I have purchased all the above and started off with pearl and foxtail millets doing idlis dosas.

    1. Good to know that. Happy cooking 😊

    2. I live in Tamilnadu so I knew the tamil names of millets..y grandparents are from Karnataka so when I tell them these names they didn't understand.. your articles really helped in knowing Hindi and kannada names.. thank you so much.. I will try out your recipes..

  85. Very elaborate helpful information log of thanks,please continue Best Wishes

  86. Very elaborate helpful information lot of thanks please continue Best Wishes


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