September 21, 2014


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Festivals are around & its time to experiment sweets and savouries at home.This year for Diwali & Navratri,i have planned to share some easy n yummy sweets recipes using condensed milk.Before that i wanted to make a post on “How to make sweetened condensed milk at home with & without milk powder using 3 ways”. So here it is !

Condensed milk aka sweetened condensed milk has become one of the most important ingredients for making sweets/Mithai,cakes and desserts.Actually, before blogging, i was not aware of the term condensed milk and i used to ask for milkmaid or amul mithai in shops.But then after blogging, i came to know they are just the popular brands and its not the name of ingredient. 

Even now my mom & MIL are very familiar with the name Milkmaid than Condensed milk.We love its taste very much.Generally we all love to use condensed milk in our sweets especially in kheer/Payasam as it adds a rich taste to the particular dish & it eases the cooking procedure too.But some people hesitate to use condensed milk either because of high calorie or by seeing the cost.One can( ie 14oz) of store bought condensed milk is way too costly.I too avoided using condensed milk in my recipes just because of the above reasons.But when i saw Sharmi’s easy homemade condensed milk within 5 minutes using milk powder, i was amazed and bookmarked immediately to try.I have tried it several times and it comes out very well.Once my Sister Radha suggested me another method of making homemade condensed milk using fresh milk & sugar by watching Nisha madhulika’s youtube video.So i tried in that way too.It came out awesome.I myself got tempted and searched for even more simple recipes that can be made with the ingredients easily available in all our pantries and at the same time within lesser time.I found  & tried the one from my handwritten cookbook.It came out equally well.So in this post,i have shared all the three methods with stepwise pictures.Each method has its own advantages & disadvantages but the result would be almost the same except color.Do follow any of these methods based on the ingredients and time.U will just love the result and u would never go back to buy readymade,store bought stuffs.It saves your time as well as money Money Eyes.I have used this condensed milk in payasam/Kheer and halwa but not in cakes or sweets.I am yet to try them.Ok,lets see how to make homemade sweetened condensed milk easily using 3 methods.


Homemade sweetened condensed milk

Homemade sweetened condensed milk How to make homemade sweetened condensed milk at home with easily available ingredients !
Cuisine: Indian
Category: Sweet
Yields: 1/2 cup
Prep time: 2 Minutes
Cook time: 2 Minutes
Total time: 4 Minutes

  • Milk powder - 1/2 cup
  • Icing sugar - 3 tbsp or 1/4 cup ( use 3 tbsp for moderate sweetness)
  • Unsalted Butter - 1tbsp ( at room temperature)
  • Water - 1/4 cup + 1 tbsp ( optional.It will thicken as it sits,so i added little more water)

  • Milk powder - 1/2 cup
  • Granulated sugar - 1/4 cup
  • Water - 3 tbsp
  • Vanilla essence - a drop ( optional)
  • Unsalted Butter - 1 tbsp,at room temp (optional)

METHOD – 3 (Cook time – 20 minutes)
  • Fresh milk - 1/2 litre ( 2.5 cups)
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup ( 100 gms)
  • Baking soda - a pinch ( optional)
  • Unsalted butter - 1 tbsp at room temp (optional)


  • In a vessel,boil water till it starts to bubble.In a mixie jar,take all the ingredients given above.Add this boiled hot water to the jar and blend everything until smooth.Wipe the sides and bottom to remove all the milk powder sticking to the walls.Again pulse for a second and remove.Transfer to a bottle and let it cool.Store in refrigerator up to 5 days.Use as needed ! ( For this method,u need icing sugar.I guess u can use powdered sugar too but i have not tried it.) If it turns thick,add little hot water n mix well.It will thin down.
Homemade condensed milk

  • For this method,take sugar and mentioned water in a pan.Boil the water & melt the sugar completely.When it starts to bubble,switch off the stove.Take this sugar solution in a mixie jar and add the milk powder & butter to it.Blend it well to make a smooth paste.Wipe the sides & bottom.Add vanilla essence ( if using) and pulse it again.Remove and store after it cools down.This mixture will slightly thicken after it cools down.So add little hot water to adjust the consistency if necessary.
homemade sweetened condensed milk
homemade sweetened condensed milk-1

  • Take the fresh milk in a pan.When it comes to boil and rises to the top,simmer the flame and add the sugar.Stir well and allow it to boil till the milk reduces to 1/3 rd of its original quantity.
Homemade condensed milk -1
  • Keep the flame medium and stir every now n then to avoid charring.Once the milk becomes slightly thick,take a drop of milk and check it between your thumb and index finger.If the milk is sticky,thick and if it forms a half thread,it is done.Switch off ,add butter( if using) mix well and remove.Do not leave the milk to boil & reduce completely because it will become too thick like a cream once when it cools down.So switch off as soon as it reduces to 1/3 rd even if it is slightly watery.Lastly add a pinch of baking soda,mix well & set aside to cool.Refrigerate and use as desired !
Homemade condensed milk -2
Homemade condensed milk -3


  • Condensed milk stays good for a minimum of 5 days in all the above method.But u should refrigerate it without using your hands.Use a clean spoon to handle.
  • This condensed milk with thicken once it cools down.So add little hot water and adjust the consistency.
  • The color & consistency of condensed milk may vary in each method but tastes equally good.
  • Condensed milk tend to thicken when it cools down.In that case,add some hot water,mix well and store it.
  • The sweetness would be more in method – 3 than method – 1 & 2.So please adjust as per ur taste buds.

Homemade condensed milk

Make your own condensed milk in your kitchen using any of the above 3 methods.Save your money, time n Enjoy making your favourite sweets !

Homemade condensed milk using milk powder


Unknown said...

Wow super DIY

Unknown said...

put a lable n sell it.. they beat store bought milkmaid ..

Unknown said...

Gud job Chitra

Unknown said...

Very helpful post chitraa

Anonymous said...

wow very useful post dear

sujitha said...

Very useful post chitra..

Kaveri Venkatesh said...

Looks so good..just like the ones in the can

Unknown said...

Hey that's great .three methods superb idea,nice work,nice clicks

prethika said...

useful and bookmarkable recipe

Ruxana Gafoor said...

looks so good...thanks for sharing

Rafeeda AR said...

3 methods!!! wow... hats off, this is such a useful post...

Anonymous said...

Wow homemade condensed milk that too with 3 variation:-) awesome Chitra

Rekha said...

Hello mam .lovely and very easy to make ..jst one question ..u hav mentioned we have to put boiling water in the mixer blend . I would not be that safe to churn .the hot water

Chitra said...

Hi Rakha, As we are not using water above boiling point,it won't be much hotter.It will splash when its too hot.So boil the water & switch off as soon as you see the bubbles.If you are much concerned about this,make it lukewarm & use it for grinding.Adding hot water gives the creamy texture to condensed milk.So this recipe needs it :)

Riddhi patel said...

Hi mam
Can u pls tell me abt chocolate ball recipe.

Chitra said...

Hi, I have not yet tried this recipe. I will try it and share here soon. Thanks :)

Sindhuraj said...

Shall I use homemade ghee instead of butter in 1st and 2nd method??

Chitra said...

Flavor may vary. But you can give a try !

Tumas Tongue Treats said...

Super duper Chitra. I am impressed with your 3 way make it. Much appreciated. I will try this.

Chitra said...

Thank you Sowmya :) Do try it :)

Svvan said...

Great One!

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