
July 24, 2015

Sweet Corn Soup Recipe With Fresh Corn, Milk - Indian Soup Recipes

sweet corn soup with fresh corn
Sweet corn soup with fresh corn, milk and corn flour with step by step pictures. I never thought sweet corn soup is so easy to make until I try it on my own.We are a big fan of tomato soup recipe. Whenever we visit restaurants ,our order would be one and only tomato soup. So I make the same at home too. I never thought of making other soup recipes. 

Recent days I have been getting requests to post more soup and weight loss recipes. Especially my school friend Jayarani has been urging for long time to do it. So I started with this easy sweet corn soup recipe. I referred a cook book and tried this restaurant style sweet corn soup recipe. Sendhil and Raksha loved it a lot. I was surprised when Raksha asked me for second serving. 

Generally sweet corn soup is prepared with creamy canned sweet corn along with boiled vegetables. But this recipe called for freshly boiled sweet corn. Its a mix of Indian and Chinese versions. I was happy that I could serve a healthy soup recipe other than the usual tomato soup. Lets see how to make this yummy sweet corn soup recipe with step by step pictures.

Sweet Corn Soup recipe

Sweet corn soup recipe Sweet corn soup - yummy, creamy, healthy sweet corn recipe

Cuisine: Indian
Category: Soup Recipes
Serves: 2
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook time: 10 Minutes
Total time: 20 Minutes


  • Boiled, fresh Sweet Corn Kernels - 1 cup ( You can also use canned sweet corn)
  • Water - 2 cups
  • Ginger & Garlic Paste - 1/4 tsp
  • Corn flour - 1 tsp
  • Salt - as needed
  • Butter - 1-2tbsp
  • Sugar – a pinch 
  • Pepper powder - as needed
  • Chopped Spring onion-1 tbsp
  • Boiled milk at room temperature – 1/4 cup
  • Coriander leaves - to garnish(optional)
  • Using a knife remove the corn kernels from the cob. Pressure cook it adding 1 cup of water. Drain the excess water and reserve 2 tbsp of kernels. Grind the remaining sweet corn adding some water. It will become a smooth paste.

  • Melt butter in a pan and add the g&g paste. Careful, it splutters. Saute quickly and add the chopped spring onion and ground sweet corn paste. Saute for few seconds. Add 1 cup of water + drained sweet corn cooked water. Let it boil well adding salt & Sugar.

  • Dilute corn flour adding 1/4 cup of milk. Add this to the boiling soup. It will start to thicken slightly. Add some water or milk to adjust the consistency. Lastly add the reserved sweet corn kernels and sprinkle some pepper powder. Serve hot.

NB: Replace milk with water if you don’t like to use it. Adding coriander leaves and spring onions are optional.

Enjoy this creamy sweet corn soup hot by sprinkling salt and pepper !


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