May 14, 2017

Veg Mayonnaise Sandwich Recipe – How To Make Mayo Sandwich Recipe Indian

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Mayonnaise Veg Sandwich
Vegetable Mayonnaise sandwich was in my try list for long time. I make sandwich recipes only during weekends if I have less time to prepare breakfastWinking. Most of the time I make vegetable sandwich in this way. Recent days I started looking for varieties of Indian vegetarian sandwich ideas. One such recipe is this Veg Mayo sandwich. In fact my friend Shalini told this recipe long back but couldn’t try it. Last week I bought a box of Fun Foods Veg Mayonnaise ( eggless mayonnaise) to slather in Veg burger for my daughter. Suddenly I reminded about this sandwich and tried it with few leftover bread slices at home. As the sandwich filling/spread is a no cook recipe,I felt it very easy to make.The only time consuming part is to grate or chop the vegetables finelyTongue. When you make it for just two people, its not that difficult too. I have toasted the bread with butter before filling with the mayonnaise spread. But toasting the bread is completely optional. If you want to prepare a quick and simple sandwich, you can just smear butter in the fresh, plain bread slice and enjoy it. If your kids like this sandwich, you can pack this for their snack box. Overall, this sandwich is a good choice for Indian vegetarians to make a quick breakfast or dinner. Ideal for bachelors and working women. Lets see how to make Vegetable mayo sandwich recipe with step by step pictures. I will upload the video soon.

Check out my Grilled Cheese sandwich and paneer sandwich recipes too !

Mayo sandwich recipe

Vegetable Mayonnaise Sandwich Recipe - How to make Indian Veg Mayo Sandwich

Vegetable Mayonnaise Sandwich Recipe - How to make Indian Veg Mayo Sandwich Easy, quick Vegetable mayonnaise sandwich recipe for breakfast or dinner !
Cuisine: Indian
Category: Sandwich recipes
Serves: Serves 2
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook time: 10 Minutes
Total time: 20 Minutes

1 cup - 250ml
  • Bread slices – 6 nos ( I used white bread, U can use whole wheat bread too)
  • Eggless Mayonnaise – 1/2 cup ( I used Fun Foods brand)
  • Grated carrot – 1/4 cup
  • Capsicum – 2 tbsp ( Chopped finely)
  • Big onion – 1/4 cup ( chopped finely)
  • Boiled Sweet corn – 1/4 cup
  • Chopped Tomato - 1 tbsp
  • Black Pepper powder – 1 tsp
  • Red Chilli flakes – 1 tsp
  • Chat masala powder - 1/2 tsp ( optional)
  • Salt – as needed
  • Grated Cheese  or cheese slices – 2 tbsp /  3 slices (Optional)
  • Butter or ghee - As needed ( to toast the bread)

  • Take a bowl and mix all the ingredients except bread slices. Make the filling and keep it ready.
    Vegetable mayonnaise sandwich
  • Heat a dosa pan and melt a tsp of butter. Toast a bread slice till golden brown on both the sides. Toast all the slices similarly.
    Vegetable mayonnaise sandwich
  • Take a toasted slice and spread the mayonnaise stuffing.Cover it with another slice of bread. Cut it diagonally and serve immediately.
    Vegetable mayonnaise sandwich
    Vegetable mayonnaise sandwich
  • For variations, you can skip the toasting part and make it in raw bread to make your job simple. If you use fresh bread, this sandwich would be very tasty. For this, apply butter on one side of bread, spread the filling and cover with the another buttered bread slice. You can also grill this sandwich if you wish.Enjoy !

  • Adjust the quantity of pepper powder as per your taste.
  • You can add grated cheese in the filling if making for kids.
  • You can make this sandwich using fresh, raw bread slices without toasting them.
  • For variations, you can keep slices of onion, tomato, cucumber instead of making filling with mayonnaise.
Try this easy, yummy veg mayo sandwich for your kids. They will love it.
Veg mayonnaise sandwich

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