May 9, 2018

Maida Halwa Recipe - How To Make Maida Halwa With Video

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 Maida halwa recipe

Maida halwa recipe with step by step pictures. I tried this easy, Instant maida halwa recipe from Aval Vikatan’s 30 vagai kalyana samayal supplementary book. This halwa is titled as Karandi halwa in that book. I followed the same recipe but tweaked the method slightly to make pieces like the maida halwa I tasted in sweet shops. Maida/ All purpose flour, sugar and ghee are the major ingredients. 

Basically I am a big fan of Kerala maida halwa. But Kerala halwa ingredients and method of preparation is different from this easy maida halwa. For this halwa, we don’t have to ferment the maida milk. It can be prepared instantly like Corn flour halwa / Karachi halwa but it takes 20 to 30 minutes to reach the final stage. We need to stir constantly but its worth the effort. If you want to make chewy and hard halwa, you need to cook the halwa for more time, may be one hour. I removed the halwa as soon as it started to ooze out the ghee in the corners. 

Beginners can easily try this recipe as there are less chances of going wrong. I have also taken a video for clear understanding. Please watch it below.  Friends, do try this easy maida flour halwa during this summer vacation. You don’t have to wait for Diwali. You will love its taste. For variations, you can use jaggery instead of sugar but taste and texture would be completely different.

If you feel this halwa is unhealthy, just think about eating parotta, jalebi or samosa made of maida. You won’t feel guilty. After all, we are making it once or twice in a year. So Its not a sin. Eat this halwa and do some workouts.  If you still feel bad,  you can try my Instant wheat flour halwa.

Lets see how to make this easy, yummy, maida flour ka halwa with step by step pictures and video.

Check out my easy Tirunelveli halwa using wheat flour.

How to make maida halwa

Maida Halwa Recipe

Maida Halwa Recipe

Maida halwa recipe - Easy, Instant halwa with maida, sugar and ghee

Cuisine: Indian
Category: Sweets
Serves: 10
Prep time: 5 Minutes
Cook time: 20 Minutes
Total time: 25 Minutes


1 cup = 240ml
  • Maida / All Purpose flour – 1/2 cup
  • Water – 1.5 cups
  • Yellow Food color – a pinch
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Melted Ghee – 1/2 cup
  • Cooking oil – 3 tbsp (Use flavorless oil)
  • Cardamom powder – 1/2 tsp
  • Chopped nuts – 2 tbsp (Use cashews, melon seeds)


  1. Mix maida, water and food color without lumps. Set aside.
  2. Heat 1 tbsp ghee in a non-stick kadai. Roast cashews till golden.
  3. Add maida water and mix in low flame till thick.
  4. Add sugar, mix till it dissolves.
  5. Add 1 tbsp of ghee + oil at regular intervals. Mix well.
  6. At one stage, halwa starts to ooze out ghee in the corners.
  7. Add cardamom powder, nuts. Mix well and transfer to a pan.
  8. Cut into pieces when warm. Serve & enjoy !
  9. For chewy halwa, cook for more time in high flame.


  • In a wide bowl, take maida, water and food color. Whisk without lumps. Set aside. Mix melted ghee + oil in a bowl and keep it ready.
    maida halwa recipe
  • In a good non-stick kadai, heat 1 tbsp ghee+oil and roast the cashews till golden. Add maida water and mix well without lumps. Mix till thick in low flame.
    maida halwa recipe
  • Add sugar and mix in medium flame till sugar dissolves completely. Add 1 tbsp ghee+oil and mix till it gets absorbed by the halwa. As soon as you add the ghee, it becomes easier to stir the halwa. But when the ghee is absorbed by the halwa, it thickens and you feel difficult to mix it. So add 1 tbsp of ghee+oil mixture again.
    maida halwa recipemaida halwa recipe
  • Repeat the same process till all the ghee+oil is added to the halwa. By now halwa leaves the sides of pan, rotates with the ladle. It would become non-sticky and shiny. Increase the flame to high. Keep mixing till halwa starts to ooze out ghee in the sides of pan. Touch the halwa to see its completely non-sticky. It takes 20 to 25 minutes to reach this stage. If not, add little more ghee or oil and stir for few more minutes. Do not remove the halwa till it starts to ooze the ghee. I have marked with arrows in the below picture. Patience is important here. Please watch the video for better understanding.

  • At this stage, reduce the flame to low. Add cardamom powder and melon seeds. Stir till all the nuts spreads well. Switch off the flame. Transfer the halwa into a ghee greased bowl. I used my square shaped cake pan. Press it well with a ladle. Let the halwa set for an hour and becomes warm. Invert in a plate. Now mark shapes with a ghee greased knife.
    maida halwa recipemaida halwa recipe
  • Make pieces and serve. This halwa stays good for a week without refrigeration. Enjoy !
maida halwa recipe
NOTE : If you want to make chewy halwa, Cook for more time in high flame  till all the ghee comes out from the halwa. Set for one day. It tastes chewy and hard the next day.


  • Do not reduce the quantity of sugar. Halwa tastes like porridge and you won’t get the proper consistency. If you are sweet toothed, you can increase the quantity of 2.25 cups.
  • Similarly do not reduce the quantity of ghee because halwa sticks to your tongue while you eat.
  • Addition of cooking oil helps the halwa to ooze out ghee quickly. So do not skip it. You can use coconut oil instead of cooking oil if you like.
  • If you don’t want to make pieces, you can just scoop the halwa with a ladle and serve it. This is called as Karandi halwa in Tamil.
Try this easy, yummy maida halwa at home and enjoy your special occasions !
Instant Maida halwa recipe

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