Chiroti Rava Kesari Bath Recipe – Chiroti Rava Recipes

Kesari bath with chiroti rava

Kesari bath is one of the most popular sweets and breakfast recipe in Karnataka. It can be prepared using chiroti rava / fine rava or coarse upma rava/ Bombay rava. I have already shared a rava kesari bath recipe using Bombay rava (Sooji, Semolina, Upma rava). Today I have shared Karnataka hotel style chiroti rava kesari bath recipe learning from my School moms friend Tara. 

Recently I tasted Chow chow bath from a popular restaurant here in Bangalore. They served Pineapple kesari bath and uppittu recipes along with coconut chutney. In that, I found Kesari bath with Pine apple is prepared using chiroti rava and rava uppittu with upma rava. So I too prepared the same at home and made chow chow bhath for our weekend breakfast. It came out really well equal to hotel taste.
 I am planning to make a post about chow chow bath this weekend. Before that, I wanted to share kesari bhath and uppittu recipes. Recently I posted rava uppittu recipe. Today lets see how to make Karnataka style chiroti rava kesari bath with step by step pictures and video !

Soon I will try to share banana kesari bath recipe that is prepared as prasadam for Sathya Narayana Pooja and Varamahalakshmi festival.

Now don’t forget to check my fool proof recipe of Rava kesari for beginners and my collection

 of 12 Kesari varieties !

Kesari bath recipe

Chiroti Rava Kesari Bath Recipe – Karnataka Rava Kesari

Chiroti Rava Kesari Bath Recipe - Karnataka style

Karnataka style rava kesari using chiroti rava / fine rava

Cuisine: Karnataka
Category: Sweet
Serves: 4
Prep time: 5 Minutes
Cook time: 15 Minutes
Total time: 20 Minutes


1 cup = 250ml

  • Chiroti rava / Fine semolina/ Fine sooji – 1/2 cup
  • Sugar – 1 cup
  • Water – 2 cups (1:4 rava & water ratio)
  • Cooking oil – 2 tbsp ( Use refined oil)
  • Melted Ghee – 1/2 cup
  • Cardamom powder or pineapple essence – 1/2 tsp
  • Cloves – 2 nos
  • Cashews and dry grapes – Few
  • Yellow food color – A pinch
  • Salt – A pinch
  • Pineapple pieces – 1/4 cup ( Mix with 1 tbsp sugar), optional.


  1. In a kadai, heat 1 tbsp ghee. Roast cashews, dry grapes and cloves till golden.
  2. Add fine rava and roast for 5 minutes.
  3. Boil water adding food color. Add to the rava in low flame. Mix without lumps.
  4. Cover cook for 5 minutes. Add sugar and mix without lumps.
  5. Add 1tbsp ghee at regular intervals. Mix till kesari becomes non-sticky like halwa and release ghee in sides. Remove from kadai.
  6. Transfer to a bowl. Scoop with a ladle. Serve hot or warm for best taste !


  • In a bowl, boil 2 cups of water adding 2 pinches of yellow food color. Let the water roll boil in medium flame. If you are using pineapple pieces or pineapple crush, you should add in this water. But soak the pineapple pieces in 1 tbsp sugar for 10 minutes before adding to water. 
  •  At the same time, take a good non-stick kadai. Add 1tbsp ghee. Roast the cashews, dry grapes and cloves. Add rava to it and roast in medium flame. Keep mixing the rava to avoid getting burnt. (Some people remove the roasted cashews +dry grapes in a plate and add at the end. But I add rava directly just like hotel ones.) Lower the flame completely or switch it off.
    Chiroti rava kesari bath
  • Add the hot water carefully to the roasted rava. It splashes. So please be careful. Mix quickly without forming lumps. 
    Chiroti rava kesari bath
  • Switch on the stove and increase the flame to medium. Keep mixing till all the water is absorbed by the rava. It becomes thick. Cover the kadai with a lid. Cook for 5 minutes in low flame.
    Chiroti rava kesari bath
  • After the rava is cooked well and soft, add sugar to it. Mix well. Sugar melts and kesari becomes watery. Mix in low to medium flame till thick.
    Chiroti rava kesari bath
  • Mix 1/2 cup melted ghee + 2 tbsp cooking oil (use flavorless oil like refined oil) in a bowl. Add 1tbsp of ghee to the kesari mixture. Mix till ghee is absorbed by the kesari. Again add 1tbsp and stir till its absorbed. Repeat the same till all the ghee is used.  Stir in low to medium flame. Do not cook in high flame as the kesari may turn chewy and hard.
  • By this time, kesari becomes non-sticky like halwa. It leaves the sides and bottom of kadai completely, add the remaining ghee if any.  Keep cooking in low to medium flame. Kesari starts to release ghee in the corners slightly. Touch the kesari and check if its non-sticky. Remove in a bowl. It falls easily without any traces in the kadai. This kesari bath would be goey in consistency when hot. But it becomes slightly thick and scoop-able when warm. Pictures are taken after its warm. Scoop with a ghee greased ladle and serve hot in a bowl or plate. Enjoy ! 
  • PS : You can reheat it anytime before serving.For this, take a kadai and heat the required amount of kesari in medium flame. Do not add water or ghee. Just keep mixing. It will become hot and starts to release the ghee. Remove and serve hot. You can also reheat in microwave by keeping in high power for one to 2 minutes. Mix it once in the middle. Chiroti rava kesari bath


  • Add 3/4 cup of sugar for mild sweet taste.
  • Please do not reduce the quantity of ghee and oil. It helps to give softness to the kesari. If needed, you should add 1 to 2 tbsp more than the mentioned quantity.  In hotels, they usually add more vanaspati and less ghee. But its not healthy. 
  • Addition of cooking oil helps to maintain the texture of kesari else it will harden as it cools down. But you can skip and add more ghee if you like. 
  • Do not use ground nut oil or any other oil with strong smell. Use odorless and colorless oil. Refined oil is the best.
  • If adding pineapple pieces, mix with some sugar. Let it soak. for 15 minutes. Add the pineapple pieces to the water. Boil till its cooked. Then add the water to the kesari.
  • For beginners, please check my kesari bath recipe using Bombay rava. I have mentioned an easy, fool proof method.

Easy, yummy Karnataka style Chiroti rava kesari is ready to serve. Tastes delicious !!
Karnataka hotel style kesari bath

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5 thoughts on “Chiroti Rava Kesari Bath Recipe – Chiroti Rava Recipes”

  1. Beautiful….but whenever I make kesari …it will become hard once cools down ….i added oil also ..can please help me. Thanks

    1. Either you have cooked in high flame or removed before it leaves ghee in the sides. Next time, try to cook in medium flame and stir the kesari starts to give traces of ghee in the corners. OR please refer my rava kesari recipe (Tamilnadu style) in which I have mentioned another method of making kesari. Its a fool proof recipe for beginners which gives super soft kesari. Please check it.

  2. There are many versions of kesari bath in the internet. But the best is the one mentioned by you and whenever i plan to prepare kesari bath, alwayz visit this page for the perfect recipe,😊.. thank you, Chitra for sharing the recipe.👍. Seems lik we cannot give the rating for the recipe..

    1. So happy to know your feedback. Thanks a lot. Yes there is no rating system in blogger. Still your feedback means a lot to me. Thanks again 😊😍

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