
December 14, 2022

Homemade Dates Syrup Recipe | How to make dates syrup at home

Homemade dates syrup

I have never thought of making dates syrup at home on my own. Usually I buy Lion dates syrup from shops and mix it with my morning milk. It keeps me active throughout the day. But recent days I felt the sweetness is more in Lion dates syrup and I started suspecting it for more sugar content than dates. So I stopped buying it and I was taking plain milk in the morning.

Recently I came across this homemade dates syrup recipe when I was browsing for Christmas fruit cake recipe. I prepared it to mix and consume with my milk. It came out so well with mild and natural sweetness which I loved it. I made in a small batch as its my first trail. I am sure I will make in bulk and store it.

Friends, do try this easy and simple dates syrup at home. You can mix this in plain milk, spread for bread/ dosa/ pancake, can be used as a natural sweetener in desserts and sweets. You can replace sugar with this healthy Dates syrup.

Dates syrup recipe

Dates syrup / Homemade Dates syrup recipe

Dates syrup / Homemade Dates syrup recipe

Dates syrup recipe - How to make dates syrup at home easily.

Cuisine: Indian
Category: Sweet
Serves: 1/2 cup
Prep time: 60 Minutes
Cook time: 20 Minutes
Total time: 80 Minutes


  • Seedless / Pitted Dates - 250gms / 1 cup
  • Hot water - as needed to soak the dates
  1. Wash the dates and soak in hot water for one hour till its soft.
  2. Drain the water and squeeze the soft dates to a pulp using a masher.
  3. Strain through a cheese cloth or a sieve.
  4. Take the water in a bowl and boil in low flame till it thickens like honey.
  5. Switch off the flame, Cool down and store in a glass bottle.
  • Wash the dates and soak in hot water for one to two hours till it becomes soft.

  • Drain the water and mash the dates to a pulp using a steel masher or potato masher. Sieve it through a cheese cloth or muslin cloth. I used a plastic sieve with fine mesh.
  • dates syrup recipe
  • Mix the extracted pulp to the drained water and boil everything until thick and saucy like honey. Boil in low flame for 10 to 12 minutes to reach this consistency.
  • dates syrup recipe
  • Switch off the flame. Cool down and store in a glass jar in refrigerator. You can mix in plain milk, spread in bread/ dosa/ pancake or use as a natural sweetener in sweets and desserts.
  • dates syrup recipe
    Enjoy !


  • Mejdool dates works the best as its soft. But I used Lion brand dates.
  • Color of the syrup varies as per the quality of dates.
  • If you are using dried dates, soak it overnight in hot water and then proceed.

Do try this easy and healthy Homemade Lion dates syrup and enjoy !
dates syrup recipe

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