October 12, 2023

How to clean Silver pooja Items at home | How to clean silver utensils, silver vessels

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How to clean silver pooja items

Every week I wash the brass and silver pooja items at home for doing my Thursday Guru pooja and Friday Lakshmi pooja. Usually I use Vim liquid and Sabeena dish washing powder for washing the silver lamps, vessels and pooja items. But once or twice in a year, I follow this method to clean or polish the tarnished Silver pooja items look new especially before Navarathri, Karthigai deepam, Diwali or before Varalakshmi pooja for which we utilise most of the silver utensils at home.

To wash the tarnished silver pooja items at home and make it new, all you need is just two ingredients namely Aluminium foil and Baking soda / Cooking soda. If you follow this method and wash the silver items, it will look as shiny and bright as new. Apart from this method, our ancestors have used just lemon and salt, Viboothi / Ash to polish the silver items. Nowadays people use white tooth paste, tooth powder, tomato ketchup, Rooperi powder, even CIF cream which is available in the market to brighten the silver articles.

I have tried Rooperi powder but the results were not so great like this foil and soda method. So I personally prefer this method to clean and brighten the tarnished silver pooja items at home once in 6 months. Please make sure you don’t use this method often as it may corrode a small amount of silver every time you do. So friends, do try this method once or twice in a year and make the silver vessels look new. Then you can use Sabeena dishwashing powder or lemon, Viboothi to maintain its polish and color.

Ok, lets see how to clean silver pooja items, silver utensils, silver vessels and silver articles at home easily with silver foil / aluminium foil and baking soda. I have also shared a SHORTS VIDEO in my YouTube channel. I have attached the video at the end of this post. Do watch it ! Soon I will make a post with video for washing copper and brass pooja items, lamps etc.

How to clean silver pooja items at home

How to clean silver pooja items at home

How to clean silver pooja items at home

How to clean silver pooja items at home . How to clean silver vessels, utensils at home

Cuisine: Indian
Category: How to
Serves: -
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook time: 10 Minutes
Total time: 20 Minutes

1 cup = 250ml
  • Silver foil / Aluminium foil - 1 sheet (torn into pieces)
  • Baking soda / cooking soda - 1 tbsp
  • Water - 6 cups
  • Silver pooja items and utensils
  1. Boil water in a wide vessel. Add torn aluminium foil pieces, baking soda and roll boil well.
  2. Take the silver pooja items and rub the oil with a cloth or tissue paper. 
  3. Drop the vessels in the boiling water.  Boil for 3 to 5 minutes.
  4. Remove carefully using a tong. Wash them with sabeena powder.
  5. Wash well and again dip in drinking water. Arrange them and let it dry.
  6. Bright and shiny silver pooja items are ready.
  • In a wide vessel, boil water. When it comes to a boil, add torn aluminium foil pieces, baking soda and roll boil well.
  • how to clean silver pooja items at home
  • Take the silver pooja items and rub the oil with a cloth or a tissue paper. Put it inside the boiling water.
  • how to polish silver articles at home
  • Immerse them in water and boil for 3 to 5 minutes based on the blackness. Switch off the flame.
  • how to polish silver articles at home
  • Remove it carefully with a help of tong. Arrange them in a plate. Now wash them with Sabeena dishwash powder or simply scrub them with any dishwashing powder. Wash well.

  • Finally dip each of them in clean, drinking water at the end. It helps to avoid tarnishing / blackening of silver articles after washing.
  • how to clean silver articles at home
  • Bright and shiny Silver pooja items are ready to use. After drying, you can polish it further by applying Viboothi. This step is optional.
  • Caution : Use this method of washing once or twice in a year. Once you do this, you can maintain it further by washing the Silver items once in a week using dishwashing liquid and Sabeena powder.


  • Other methods of cleaning silver pooja items include white Tooth paste, tomato ketchup, Rooperi powder, lemon, salt, Ash /Viboothi.
  • Use this method only once or twice in a year.


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