Making Soft mysore pak at home like Krishna sweets ghee mysorepak (Nei mysore pak) has become a dream for every foodie. Even though the ingredients are same, this soft mysore pak recipe is in no way related to our traditional, olden days South Indian mysore pak in taste, texture or looks. Nowadays people especially kids love this soft, melt in mouth, ghee dripping mysore pak from sweet shops more than the traditional ones served in Tamil nadu weddings.
Basically I am not a big fan of mysore pak but after becoming a food blogger, I started developing my taste towards all the sweets and snacks which I hated in my childhood days. Just like everyone I too wanted to try Krishna sweets style soft mysore pak at home.
Long back I have shared
3 minutes microwave mysore pak recipe which is one of the super hit recipes in my blog. Following that I wanted to try the stove top version as well based on my readers request. So I watched few You tube videos, surfed few websites and tried few times during last year Diwali. It became crumbly, sometimes hard and it was not up to the mark. I wasted so much of ghee, oil and sugar and got nicely from Sendhil too.
Recently I watched Gowri’s Samayal Arai mysore pak recipe video shown by a caterer in Salem. I got inspired, became confident and tried it again as my first sweet for Diwali. It came out very well with a melt in mouth texture as I expected. But I felt raw besan smell in the end product slightly, also I couldn’t get the golden brown center part formed due to the latent heat. But it was very soft and tasted yummy. So I tried the same recipe again with few modifications of my own.
In some sweet shops, milk powder is used I feel. So I roasted the besan in little ghee, added milk powder to get brown caramalized color. Even though I couldn’t achieve the perfect brown center, its taste was exactly like sweet shop ones. It was a great success at home and everybody loved it. I passed few pieces to my neighbors in a sweet box as shown in the picture above. They too loved it and appreciated me.
Anyone can make this mysore pak perfectly if you follow the instructions carefully. I have also shared a tip for trouble shooting in the Notes section. Hope the step by step pictures will be helpful too. There is very less chances of going wrong in this recipe. Even beginners can dare to try it. So friends do try this soft, melt in mouth mysore pak for this Diwali and have a great celebration.

Soft Mysore Pak Recipe
How to make soft mysore pak like sweet shops at home.
12 small pieces.
Prep time:
10 Minutes
Cook time:
20 Minutes
Total time:
30 Minutes
1 cup – 240ml
- Besan flour / Kadalai maavu – 1/2 cup
- Milk Powder – 1/4 cup
- Sugar – 1 cup
- Melted Ghee – 1 cup ( at room temperature)
- Cooking oil – 1/2 cup (Use refined oil)
- Water – 1/3 cup ( for sugar syrup)
- To make soft mysore pak, roast besan flour in 1 tbsp of ghee.
- Mix melted ghee + cooking oil in a bowl and heat till warm to touch.
- Mix the besan flour, milk powder in 1/3 cup of melted ghee+oil mixture without lumps. Set aside.
- In a kadai, make sugar syrup of one string consistency.
- Add the besan mixture to sugar syrup and mix in medium flame.
- After the syrup is absorbed, add 2 tbsp ghee. Mix till its absorbed by besan mixture.
- Repeat adding ghee till the besan starts to leave the sides of kadai. It gives a nice smell.
- If you touch with your finger, it will be non sticky.
- Switch off the flame, remove the kadai from the stove. Lastly add 2 tbsp of ghee, mix quickly and transfer the mysore pak mixture to a greased bowl or plate. Let it cool down completely.
- Make pieces and serve. Enjoy melt in mouth, soft mysore pak at home.
- Heat 1 tbsp ghee in a non-stick kadai. Add 1/2 cup of besan flour and roast in medium flame for 5 minutes. Besan gives a nice smell once its roasted. Transfer to a bowl.

- In a bowl, mix melted ghee + refined oil ( use any flavorless oil) and set aside. Heat it till warm. Add milk powder to the roasted besan flour. Mix well and add 1/3 cup of melted ghee + Oil mixture. Use a whisk and mix without lumps. Set aside. Take an aluminum plate or pan ( I used loaf cake pan) and grease it with ghee or oil. Choose a bowl or pan that holds heat for long time. You can line it with an aluminium foil for easy removal. Keep it ready.

- In a good non-stick kadai, take 1 cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of water. Keep the flame medium and melt the sugar. Boil the syrup till one string consistency. To check this, slide a drop of syrup from the back of ladle using your fore finger and touch it with your thumb finger. When you release it, it will form one string as shown in the picture below. .

- Lower the flame completely and add the diluted besan. Mix till all the sugar syrup is absorbed by the besan. It becomes slightly thick.

- At this point start adding 2 tbsp of ghee +oil mixture. No need to use hot ghee. It should be in room temperature. Mix well. Bubbles will form in the middle. Ghee would be absorbed by the besan as you mix. Mixture starts to thicken.

- Again add 2 tbsp ghee and mix well till its absorbed. Keep the flame medium throughout the process. Repeat the same at regular intervals till the mixture becomes slightly thick, pale in color, slightly frothy in the corners and starts to leave the sides of kadai. It gives a nice smell too. Smell indicates the doneness. If you touch the mixture, it will be non sticky. You don’t have to add all the remaining ghee. 2 tbsp to 1/4 cup of it may leftover. You can use it in your regular cooking. Do not over cook the mixture.

- Once the mysore pak starts to leave the sides of kadai with a nice smell, switch off the flame immediately and remove the kadai from the stove. Lastly add 2 tbsp ghee and mix quickly. You will find the ghee float in the sides of the kadai. No need to stir till the ghee is absorbed.

- Immediately transfer the mysore pak mixture to the greased pan. It will fall like a ribbon. Pat the pan gently. Just level the top with a flat spoon or using a bottom of small bowl immediately. Do not press it too much. Do it gently. Mixture will be too hot. Handle carefully. Let it rest for 6 hours or over night to cool down completely. If you try to make pieces when its hot or warm, pieces won’t come properly. There may be crumbles. So wait until it cools down.

- After cooling down, run a knife in the sides and invert the pan in a plate. It will fall easily. Now make big or small pieces as you like. Serve and enjoy. Stays good for a week if you store in an air tight box. Do not let it dry in air.

Enjoy yummy, melt in mouth, sweet shop style mysore pak at home for this Diwali.
- Do not reduce the quantity of sugar, ghee.
- If you don’t want to add cooking oil, you can use ghee alone but mysore pak becomes hard the next day as the ghee becomes thick after cooling down. Refined Oil helps to maintain the soft texture of mysore pak. Don’t worry oil smell won’t be there.
- If you want to make traditional, porous mysore pak you should add hot oil + ghee to the besan instead of using it warm.
- Just cook the mixture till it starts to leave the sides of pan. Over cooking make the mysore pak crumbly.
- Instead of adding milk powder completely, add 1/2 to 1 tbsp maida and reamining milk powder just like sweet shops.
- TROUBLE SHOOTING TIPS : Suppose if your mysore pak becomes crumbly or hard, do not worry. Grind it adding little milk to a smooth paste. Stir again in low flame till the mixture starts to leave the kadai, add 2 tbsp ghee+ oil and transfer to a plate. Cool down and make pieces.
- You can also add a pinch of turmeric powder for nice color.
Try this yummy Mysore pak at home for this diwali and enjoy !
This is super I don't know how I missed Ur recipe.i remember that u have given microwave I didn't even check Ur recipe index.i ll definitely try Ur recipe after Deepavali and give my feedback.
One more request.if possible post adirasam recepe using readymade adirasam mix.we done have the custom of making just bought the Aachi ready-mix and made.came out well.but initially I was much confused as to how to use the was crumbly.i used few spoons of curd and made.if possible make a post on that.helpful for the beginners.i didn't get any inputs from you tube channels or blog.
Thank u.wishing u and Ur family a very happy Deepavali.
Hi Harini,
Sorry for the late reply. Somehow I missed reading your comment. Do try this mysorepak.
Sorry I don't get readymade adhirasam mix packet here. I will try to buy from Salem and give a try. Thanks :)
Hi chitra i tried mysore pa yesterday came out very well.taste was excellent.sugar was little bit higher side.can i reduce it to 3/4th cup? and oil ghee mixture was 3/4th cup left out of 1 and 1/2cup of oil ghee mixture.i got doubt whether i have used sufficient quantity or not.but taste was very good.
Hi Harini, Thanks a lot for your feedback.
Yes you can reduce the sugar as you have used lesser oil and ghee than mentioned in the recipe. Don't worry about using lesser oil and ghee. Finally taste matters :)
Ok.thanks for the recipe.Happy deepavali to u and to ur family.ur recipe always comes out very nice for me.👍
Thanks a lot for trying my recipes during every Diwali. Happy deepavali to you all 😊