coffee 1

I am a big coffee lover.. I wanted to try espresso for a long time & referred here for the recipe. I halved the quantity and tried for me alone. It was awesome , frothy , creamy , rich and lip smacking. I have never tasted such an aromatic, flavourful, tasty instant coffee. 

I have heard Cappuccino, espresso in words only. Never gotta chance to try those. But now I am happy I can make @home. So I can enjoy whenever I feel like having it. The recipe I tried is a fool proof recipe. I just increased the sugar quantity else the same.. Do try it , you’ll be addictive to its taste.

coffee collage

  • Instant coffee powder – 1.5 tsp ( I used Aveon coffee powder, Nescafe works too)
  • Sugar – 2.5 – 3 tsp ( I used 3 tsp)
  • Milk – 1/2 cup
  • Water – 3/4 cup
  • Drinking chocolate powder – Little to sprinkle ( I used weik field )

    • Beat sugar and coffee powder vigorously in tea cup (in which you are going to serve ) with a spoon till light and fluffy, adding few drops of water to facilitate beating. 

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    • Gradually add more drops of water, taking care not to make the mixture thin. Beat till the mixture turns a little whitish and fluffy . (I beat the mixture for nearly 15 mins..) Initially it will be hard . But as you beat, you’ll feel the mixture becoming soft and fluffy.
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Take the milk in a pan . Add water and allow it to boil.

    • When the milk water mixture boils and rises up, reduce flame and simmer for a minute ..
    • Remove from fire and pour into cups from a little height to get a frothy coffee. Stir. Sprinkle some drinking chocolate. Serve immediately. Enjoy !!

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  • If you wanna make two coffee with the above recipe, put half the beaten coffee in each cup in which you are going to serve.
  • I used aveon coffee powder which is coarse in texture. So it took more time to beat and become fluffy. U should beat it well till all sugar & coffee powder dissolves completely.
  • U can use any instant coffee powder. Adjust the sugar quantity as per your taste.

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  1. This was our daily morning routine when we visited a friend's place for 'joint studies' in my college days ( seems so far far back). It brought back those years. You could hear the clinking of spoons as we ( about 6 of us) put all our energy to beat the coffee in the mug – the dark brown colour of coffee turns lighter as air gets incorporated which is essential for the froth.

  2. I tried this method but was too lazy/impatient with the beating so didn't get the lovely fluffy texture like you did… 15 mins beating huh? guess it's a good workout before drinking it :) Will try next time more patiently

  3. PrathibhaSreejith

    Love this, reminds me of the college days n exam times where we use to make it more often. Long time since I've made it, perfect made n absolutely addictive :)

  4. Never knew about this way of making espresso coffee at home. So simple and results are exactly like espresso coffee we get at any coffee stand.

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