Badam Cashew Burfi Recipe – Easy Diwali Sweets Recipes


March and April are the celebration months for me because my daughter Raksha’s birthday, my husband Sendhil’s birthday and Our wedding day falls in these two months. So I make sweets very often. Last week when I was going through a cookbook, I got this recipe. I found it very easy and thought of preparing it for my daughter’s birthday as she is very much fond of kaju sweets. But yesterday morning my daughter asked me to prepare some sweets.
Without any second thought, I tried this and when she came back from school , I surprised her with this sweet. She was very happy and ate it heartily.She told “ Its awesome mamma”. What else I need, I was very happy & this recipe was a instant hit in my home. Just try this burfi. It melts in your mouth. 
Generally for any burfi, we need to make single string or two string sugar syrup and then we proceed further.But in this recipe,there is no need to check the consistency of sugar syrup and the final stage of the sweet can be easily identified. So beginners can easily try. 
One more good thing it takes only 1/2 tsp of ghee and that too it is used to grease the plate. In this recipe, your one & only job is mixing. You have to keep on mixing till you get correct consistency. Even if you miss the consistency, it is easy to trouble shoot. I have given step by step pictures to my best for easy understanding and all possible tips for troubleshooting. 
Hope you’ll try this recipe and let me know how it turned out. Please go through the “Notes” section for additional tips. You can follow this recipe,use either Cashews or Badam alone and make it as cashew burfi or badam burfi.
Almond cashew burfi recipe

Almond cashew burfi recipe

Almond cashew burfi recipe Easy almond cashew burfi recipe that can be made under 15 minutes !

Cuisine: Indian
Category: Sweet
Serves: 10
Prep time: 5 Minutes
Cook time: 15 Minutes
Total time: 20 Minutes


  • Cashewnuts – 1/4 cup
  • Badam/Almond – 1/4 cup
  • Milk or water – 1/2 cup
  • Sugar – 3/4 cup ( paste & sugar ratio is 1:1.5)
  • Cardamom powder – 2 Pinches
  • Ghee – 1/2 tsp (to grease the plate)

  • Soak cashews in hot water for 10 minutes. Heat 1/2 cup of water till it roll boils. Add the badam and boil for a minute. Let the badam be in hot water for 2 minutes.Then remove and show it under running tap water.Now you can peel the skin easily. Now grind almond and cashews in a mixie to a coarse powder without adding water or milk. Then add little milk say 1/4 cup & grind it to a smooth paste.(Please don’t add more milk because burfi will take more time to cook. U can add maximum 1/2 cup of water or milk to grind).
  • Measure the paste and add sugar 1.5 times of the measured quantity. I got 1/2 heaped cup of paste. So I added 3/4 cup of sugar. Grease a plate with 1/2 tsp of ghee & keep it ready
  • Now take the badam, cashew paste, sugar, cardamom powder & little water say 1/4 cup ( I just washed the mixie jar with 1/4 cup of water and added it to the paste).


  • Switch on the flame and keep it medium. Mix the paste till all the sugar is completely melted. Wipe the sides every now & then because sugar particles will deposit in the sides of pan. The mixture will become liquid after all the sugar is melted completely. Now simmer the flame to low( If you are a beginner) and keep mixing. 
  • When the mixture starts to boil, big bubbles will appear all over the paste. Keep mixing. Increase the flame to medium if you want the process to be quickly done else continue in low flame. Keep mixing till the mixture becomes thick.Wipe the sides of the pan every time while you mix. It will take nearly 10 minutes to start thickening. Small bubbles will appear now.
  • When you keep on mixing,mixture turns thicker and it will leave the sides of pan. Wipe the sides & again mix it. At one stage, the mixture will become really thick and at that time, simmer the flame completely. Wet your fingers and take a pinch from the dough.Try to make a small ball. If you are able to make a soft,round ball. Your mixture is done. Switch off the flame immediately and mix the mixture again for few seconds to make it even more slightly thick. The heat of kadai is sufficient to make your mixture thick.
  • When you feel the mixture is completely thick but not crumbly,remove and put in the greased plate. Immediately level it with a polythene sheet or butter paper. Scrape the sides of kadai & taste it. U will get to know the taste and consistency of burfi.
  • Leave the burfi & let it cool down completely. Do not try to remove the burfi now. It wont come out easily, it may break. Allow it to cool completely. Then remove using a dosa flipper carefully. Once it cools down, burfi will become hard. But it melts in mouth. Remove the extras in the sides when it is still warm and make a ball with your hand  Press it and again make shapes out of it. So there will be no wastage. The color of burfi improves as it cools down.
  • To find out whether the burfi is well set, after you levelled the burfi in tray with butter paper, try to remove the butter paper after 5 minutes. If it comes out clean, your burfi is perfect and you can make pieces & enjoy . If the butter paper doesn’t come out clean or if it sticks to the burfi mixture, then the consistency is not reached. So transfer the  mixture to the kadai,add little water, melt the mixture and again start mixing till you get it right ! Suppose if you over do the mixing and if burfi becomes crumbly, take the crumbled burfi in a mixie jar, add milk and make a smooth paste. Again keep it in flame and mix well till it reaches the right consistency.
  • Here is a quick tip for blanching almonds : Boil badam in hot water for1-2 minutes. Drain the water and keep the badam under running cold water.. By doing this way, the skin comes out very easily..
  • Cardamom powder is not mentioned in the actual recipe but I used it. If you want you can add saffron or badam essence.
  • I made the entire process in very low flame to medium to be in safer side.
  • U can see the white bubbles as soon as you start mixing. Bubbles will appear till the mixture becomes thick. So keep mixing until the mixture becomes a whole mass and you should be able to gather them in one place. Test the dough by taking a small ball in your wet hands. If you are able to roll a soft ball with it, its the right consistency.
  • U can also try this recipe using Badam OR cashew alone.
  • To find out whether the burfi is well set, after you levelled the burfi in tray with butter paper, try to remove the butter paper after 5 minutes. If it comes out clean, your burfi is perfect and you can make pieces & enjoy. 
  • If the butter paper doesn’t come out clean or if it sticks to the burfi mixture, then the consistency is not reached. So transfer the  mixture to the kadai, add little water, melt the mixture and again start mixing till you get it right ! Suppose if you over do the mixing and if burfi becomes crumbly, take the crumbled burfi in a mixie jar, add milk and make a smooth paste. Again keep it in flame and mix well till it reaches the right consistency.

Burfi after a bite by my daughter. I used orange food color in this.


Our lovable blogger Radha Natarajan mam tried this burfi & shared this picture with me 🙂 Thank you so much mam !

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50 thoughts on “Badam Cashew Burfi Recipe – Easy Diwali Sweets Recipes”

  1. Ushnish Ghosh

    Dear Chitra
    How are you? Your detailed recipes with tips and notes amazes me . I can cook your recipes blindly..Ha ha . Never tried cashew burfi, I shall follow your recipe when I make it
    have a nice weekend

  2. Really yummy nutty burfi.

    Wishing you in advance a happy wedding anni and the b'day wished for the celebrants at your place.

  3. Jeyashris Kitchen

    Super tempting burfis, Feel like grabbing a piece.No wonder the little one must have loved this

  4. virunthu unna vaanga

    wow Chitra akka… so superb recipe n explanations… other recipe s ready for me here to try:) bookmarked it:) Thank u for the wonderful mouthwatering burfi:)

  5. Home Cooked Oriya Food

    looks woderful… love the color too… I will try and let you know. Might work in a microwave!

  6. This looks lovely Chitra. I know my daughter hates almonds…the only way i get her to eat is to make badam halwa or burfi…this combination is how my friend makes her badal hamwa.Only she takes it a little ahead as she likes it as a slightly smooth gravy which will solidify a but later on. I love her version!!!


  7. Sudha Sabarish

    Burfi turned out well and was too soft and just melted into our mouths.Became a super hit in my home.Frequently going to prepare it.

  8. Hello chitra,
    I tried this recipe today. But for some reason my sugar just didn't melt till the end. I never got the consistency as shown in the second picture. Did you use powdered sugar. In baking, we are always told not to use non stick pans to caramalize sugar and never to keep stirring during the melting process. Do you think that was the problem.

    1. Hi pradnya ,
      After adding the sugar & almond paste, keep the flame low and stir continuously till all the sugar melts. As the paste is wet & due to the heat , sugar will melt for sure. But u shud keep stirring till u find all the sugar is melted.Please refer this link for the pan to use for making sweets.. Here we are not bringing any sugar syrup consistency Or caramalizing it.Our aim is to make the sugar melt.So u shud keep stirring till the end in low flame.U'll get it as u see in the picture. Even if u try in microwave , please stir the mixture in regular intervals till the sugar is melted. If u dont want to take risk , u can also use powdered sugar i feel. But i have not tried with it.Hope i have helped u. Please try again and let me know ur feedback.. :) Thanks :)

  9. Hello Chitra,

    Thanks for this wonderful recipe, it turned out really yummy! Appreciate your time and effort in coming up with tasty and easy recipes. Looking forward to more such recipes. Have a wonderful day. All the best.

    Best wishes,

  10. hi chitra just now tried this burfi came out well.can i store it in the room temperature itself or do i have to store in fridge.because we have added milk although in a very small quantity.hw long we can keep in the room temparature.thanks for this no ghee easy recipe.

    1. Hi Harini,Thanks for trying and the feedback. You can keep at room temperature for 2 days.After that, refrigerate it. I too have tried it.It works.

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