Kai murukku recipe

My MIL has the practice of making Kai murukku for Gokulashtami festival. People in Tamil nadu make this murukku generally for festivals and occasions like Seemandham & marriage as seer murukku. My MIL usually says my husband’s grandmom ( ie My mil’s MIL) is an expert in making perfect swirls. My MIL also makes it very fastly & iam still learning from her. Of course swirls come only by practice.

Last year I tried kai murukku using idli rice following my friend Shalini’s recipe. It came out very well & I found it easy for twisting too. I will try to post that recipe very soon. But for festivals, we are supposed to use only raw rice/Pacharisi. So this time I wanted to try this raw rice kai murukku for krishna jayanthi. I got this recipe from my MIL and tried it for the first time. I also referred “Ammavin samayal” kai murukku video for making twists. My twists/swirls din’t come out perfect but the taste was great. Sendhil liked it very much. As every beginner’s hope, I too believe I can make perfect suthu murukku at least by next year.
There are some points to be noted to make a perfect kai murukku. First & foremost thing is “You should use only homemade processed rice flour and roasted urad dal flour”. Store bought rice flour never works.The flour should be very smooth in texture. Also, you should start making this murukku as soon as u grind the rice flour.ie, processed rice flour should be wet. If you allow the homemade flour to dry for long time,u won’t be able to make swirls properly. It will get cut. We should not add too much of butter because murkku will drink oil.
The ratio of Rice flour & urad dal flour should be 8:1.  I have shared some of the remaining tips & tricks in “Notes” section. Do have a look before you start making. Ok, Lets see how to make Kai murukku at home with step by step pictures.


Kai murukku recipe

Kai murukku recipe How to make kai murukku for Gokulashtami/Krishna jayanthi

Cuisine: Indian
Category: Snacks
Serves: 10
Prep time: 2 Hours
Cook time: 10 Minutes
Total time: 2H10 Minutes


  • Homemade rice flour – 1 cup (levelled)
  • Roasted urad dal flour – 1 tbsp (levelled)
  • Soft Butter – 1.5 tsp ( at room temp) 
  • Black sesame seeds – 1/2 tsp
  • Asafetida/Hing – 1/8 tsp
  • Salt & water – as needed

  • Take the homemade processed wet rice flour, urad dal flour, sesame seeds, salt and hing. Mix well. Now add soft butter and mix well with the flour. Butter should be well mixed with the flour. Lastly add water little by little and make a non-sticky dough.

Kai murukku 1
Kai murukku 2

  • Take a small lemon sized ball and try to make swirls using your fingers. If you are able to make it, proceed further. If u find the thread getting cut, dough must be dry. So sprinkle little more water in the dough and knead it well. Apply little oil on your hands if the dough is sticky.

Kai murukku 3

  • Spread a cotton cloth or butter paper and place a small bottle lid. Keep a small bowl of water & a bowl of oil nearby. Take a small lemon sized ball from the dough.
  • Make the swirls/murukku around the lid. While making the swirls,keep your hand a little higher from the lid.The dough will stretch easily if u made it perfect. When u hold ur hand higher in length, u can make the twist easily.
  • U can dip ur hands in water whenever needed. It helps u to make twists neatly.
  • Use ur first three fingers ( ie thumb, fore finger & big finger) and press the dough with ur thumb, make a twist and keep doing it to form a circle shape. It sounds bit difficult but it will come by practice for sure. Keep the remaining dough closed with a wet cloth to prevent drying.
  • Make some 10 murukkus & heat oil in a pan for deep frying. Drop a small piece of dough. If it rises immediately, oil temperature is correct. Now remove the murukku using ur hand or dosa flipper and drop in oil carefully. U can slide it in the sides. It will move to the center. Add 3-4 murukku per batch and deep fry.

Kai murukku 4

  • Cook till the bubbles and sshhh sound ceases completely. Flip it once in the middle. Remove the murukku, drain in a tissue paper. Allow it to cool & Enjoy !

Kai murukku 5

  • For storage,keep a tissue paper in a box and arrange the murukku after it cools down completely. The original flavour of murukku can be felt only by next day.U can store it for months too.It tastes crunchy and yummy.


  • You should use only homemade processed rice flour and roasted urad dal flour”. Never roast the rice flour. It should be wet. Store bought rice flour never works. The flour should be very smooth in texture. Also you should start making this murukku as soon as you grind the rice flour. i e, processed rice flour should be wet. 
  • If u allow the homemade flour to dry for long time, you won’t be able to make swirls properly. It will get cut. We should not add too much of butter because murkku will drink oil. The ratio of Rice flour & urad dal flour should be 8:1
  • Grease your fingers with oil whenever needed while making twists.
  • For trouble shooting : If u find the thread getting cut while making twists, dip ur hand with murukku dough in water slightly and press the dough. Dough will become slightly wet. Now u can make twists easily.
  • Never use store bought rice flour for making dough.
  • Homemade rice flour should be slightly wet while making dough. U can use oil for greasing ur hands if u feel the dough is sticky.
  • Less butter should be added. Adding more butter makes the murukku absorb more oil.
  • Here Urad dal flour gives the stretchable tendency to the flour. So never skip or replace it.
  • Some people also use gram dal flour but it works well with idli rice kai murukku & not with raw rice murukku.
Is my kai murukku looks somewhat OK ?? 
I will try to make it perfect in future by practice and update the pictures for sure. 

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  1. Hi dear i did kai murukku this evening.came out well indeed.thanks a lot.the credit goes to u.i ll try to send the photos to u.atlast my dream of making kai murukku came true.happy happy.

    1. Thanks a lot Harini. I am so glad to see your feedback.Do send me the pictures if possible. Happy krishna jayanthi :)

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