Ragi Recipes

Ragi/Finger millet is a very healthy indian millet variety.We all know ragi helps to reduce weight & it is rich in calcium.But other than these,ragi has numerous health benefits.Its has a high nutrition.After marriage i have learnt so many ragi flour recipes from my mother-in-law.I am happy that i have learnt some healthy breakfast & dinner recipes using ragi apart from my usual idli/dosa.Here in Bangalore,people likes & uses Ragi more than rice and they consume it in the form of Ragi mudde/Ragi balls.Soon i will share ragi mudde recipe with a video.Here i have complied all the ragi recipes like ragi dosa,ragi roti,ragi porridge/kanji,ragi puttu,ragi vermicelli,ragi idli,dosa(fermentation method) in one page for easy reference.Hope u find it useful.Just go through the health benefits of ragi i have given below.U will start to include this grain at least once or twice in a week.
  • Finger millet , also known as African millet or Ragi.
  • Nutritive value of Ragi per 100 g
Protein 7.3 g
Fat 1.3 g
Carbohydrate 72 g
Minerals 2.7 g
Calcium 3.44 g
Fibre 3.6 g
Energy 328 KCal
  • It strengthens the kidneys, beneficial to stomach and spleen-pancreas, builds the in fluids, moistens dryness, alkalizing, balances over-acid conditions, sweetens breath by retarding bacteria growth in mouth, high amino acid profile and rich silicon content helps prevent miscarriage, anti-fungal.
  • Also useful for diarrhea, vomiting, indigestion, and diabetes. Soothes morning sickness.

Ragi Idli Recipe Ragi porridge Instant ragi dosa

Ragi puttu Soft Ragi Adai

Ragi Vermicelli Multi grain biscuit

1 comment :

Easylifeforeveryone said...

Thanks for you all healthy ragi recipes....