Search In Chitra's Food Book


Unknown said...

Madam - I am Rakesh and all your recipe is really superb. I liked to tell this as I am a regular visitor to your website. As I am bachelor I am getting more benefited by your recipes.
Thanks Madam for your blog.

Chitra said...

Thanks a lot Rakesh.I am very happy to know this :)

Unknown said...

Broccoli receipe

Chitra said...

Hi,Here is the link for broccoli stri fry :

venkatesh said...

After searching many blogs i have zerod on your blog.yesterday i have tried tuti fruti cake.i have lined up all the ingredients and mixed the batter and baked has come very well.Thank you for your effort and pain to present such fabulous recipies.

Chitra said...

Good to know.Thanks for trying n the feedback :)

Unknown said...

Hi I am Max.Iam a great fan of "Udupi Sambar", since I grew up in Coastal Karnataka.I came across your blog.I prepared one based on the instructions......Guess what ? I never tasted a sambhar like that was superb...Thanks Ms.Chitra...Your efforts are deeply appreciated.

Chitra said...

Thanks a lot for the positive feedback. Iam very happy to know that :)

Srinithi said...

Hello Chitra,
I tried a sweet named Bun Halwa in a function in Madurai. It's halwa with dates and nuts .Very tasty one. Can you please give the recipie for it.

Chitra said...

Hello Latha,
This name is completely new to me. I will do some research on this recipe and try to share it. Thanks :)

Unknown said...

Mam ur recipes are awesome measurings are accurate thanks cor blogging such recipes. Can u post green chilli sambar, coconut rasam, ulutham kanji thanks in advance

Chitra said...

Thanks alot :)I will try and make a post.

Unknown said...

awesome mam keep rocking i love see more and more from you

Chitra said...

Thank you :)