Showing posts with label HOW TOs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HOW TOs. Show all posts

October 12, 2023

How to clean Silver pooja Items at home | How to clean silver utensils, silver vessels

How to clean silver pooja items

Every week I wash the brass and silver pooja items at home for doing my Thursday Guru pooja and Friday Lakshmi pooja. Usually I use Vim liquid and Sabeena dish washing powder for washing the silver lamps, vessels and pooja items. But once or twice in a year, I follow this method to clean or polish the tarnished Silver pooja items look new especially before Navarathri, Karthigai deepam, Diwali or before Varalakshmi pooja for which we utilise most of the silver utensils at home.

To wash the tarnished silver pooja items at home and make it new, all you need is just two ingredients namely Aluminium foil and Baking soda / Cooking soda. If you follow this method and wash the silver items, it will look as shiny and bright as new. Apart from this method, our ancestors have used just lemon and salt, Viboothi / Ash to polish the silver items. Nowadays people use white tooth paste, tooth powder, tomato ketchup, Rooperi powder, even CIF cream which is available in the market to brighten the silver articles.

I have tried Rooperi powder but the results were not so great like this foil and soda method. So I personally prefer this method to clean and brighten the tarnished silver pooja items at home once in 6 months. Please make sure you don’t use this method often as it may corrode a small amount of silver every time you do. So friends, do try this method once or twice in a year and make the silver vessels look new. Then you can use Sabeena dishwashing powder or lemon, Viboothi to maintain its polish and color.

Ok, lets see how to clean silver pooja items, silver utensils, silver vessels and silver articles at home easily with silver foil / aluminium foil and baking soda. I have also shared a SHORTS VIDEO in my YouTube channel. I have attached the video at the end of this post. Do watch it ! Soon I will make a post with video for washing copper and brass pooja items, lamps etc.

How to clean silver pooja items at home

How to clean silver pooja items at home

How to clean silver pooja items at home

How to clean silver pooja items at home . How to clean silver vessels, utensils at home

Cuisine: Indian
Category: How to
Serves: -
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook time: 10 Minutes
Total time: 20 Minutes

1 cup = 250ml
  • Silver foil / Aluminium foil - 1 sheet (torn into pieces)
  • Baking soda / cooking soda - 1 tbsp
  • Water - 6 cups
  • Silver pooja items and utensils
  1. Boil water in a wide vessel. Add torn aluminium foil pieces, baking soda and roll boil well.
  2. Take the silver pooja items and rub the oil with a cloth or tissue paper. 
  3. Drop the vessels in the boiling water.  Boil for 3 to 5 minutes.
  4. Remove carefully using a tong. Wash them with sabeena powder.
  5. Wash well and again dip in drinking water. Arrange them and let it dry.
  6. Bright and shiny silver pooja items are ready.
  • In a wide vessel, boil water. When it comes to a boil, add torn aluminium foil pieces, baking soda and roll boil well.
  • how to clean silver pooja items at home
  • Take the silver pooja items and rub the oil with a cloth or a tissue paper. Put it inside the boiling water.
  • how to polish silver articles at home
  • Immerse them in water and boil for 3 to 5 minutes based on the blackness. Switch off the flame.
  • how to polish silver articles at home
  • Remove it carefully with a help of tong. Arrange them in a plate. Now wash them with Sabeena dishwash powder or simply scrub them with any dishwashing powder. Wash well.

  • Finally dip each of them in clean, drinking water at the end. It helps to avoid tarnishing / blackening of silver articles after washing.
  • how to clean silver articles at home
  • Bright and shiny Silver pooja items are ready to use. After drying, you can polish it further by applying Viboothi. This step is optional.
  • Caution : Use this method of washing once or twice in a year. Once you do this, you can maintain it further by washing the Silver items once in a week using dishwashing liquid and Sabeena powder.


  • Other methods of cleaning silver pooja items include white Tooth paste, tomato ketchup, Rooperi powder, lemon, salt, Ash /Viboothi.
  • Use this method only once or twice in a year.


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December 14, 2022

Homemade Dates Syrup Recipe | How to make dates syrup at home

Homemade dates syrup

I have never thought of making dates syrup at home on my own. Usually I buy Lion dates syrup from shops and mix it with my morning milk. It keeps me active throughout the day. But recent days I felt the sweetness is more in Lion dates syrup and I started suspecting it for more sugar content than dates. So I stopped buying it and I was taking plain milk in the morning.

Recently I came across this homemade dates syrup recipe when I was browsing for Christmas fruit cake recipe. I prepared it to mix and consume with my milk. It came out so well with mild and natural sweetness which I loved it. I made in a small batch as its my first trail. I am sure I will make in bulk and store it.

Friends, do try this easy and simple dates syrup at home. You can mix this in plain milk, spread for bread/ dosa/ pancake, can be used as a natural sweetener in desserts and sweets. You can replace sugar with this healthy Dates syrup.

Dates syrup recipe

Dates syrup / Homemade Dates syrup recipe

Dates syrup / Homemade Dates syrup recipe

Dates syrup recipe - How to make dates syrup at home easily.

Cuisine: Indian
Category: Sweet
Serves: 1/2 cup
Prep time: 60 Minutes
Cook time: 20 Minutes
Total time: 80 Minutes


  • Seedless / Pitted Dates - 250gms / 1 cup
  • Hot water - as needed to soak the dates
  1. Wash the dates and soak in hot water for one hour till its soft.
  2. Drain the water and squeeze the soft dates to a pulp using a masher.
  3. Strain through a cheese cloth or a sieve.
  4. Take the water in a bowl and boil in low flame till it thickens like honey.
  5. Switch off the flame, Cool down and store in a glass bottle.
  • Wash the dates and soak in hot water for one to two hours till it becomes soft.

  • Drain the water and mash the dates to a pulp using a steel masher or potato masher. Sieve it through a cheese cloth or muslin cloth. I used a plastic sieve with fine mesh.
  • dates syrup recipe
  • Mix the extracted pulp to the drained water and boil everything until thick and saucy like honey. Boil in low flame for 10 to 12 minutes to reach this consistency.
  • dates syrup recipe
  • Switch off the flame. Cool down and store in a glass jar in refrigerator. You can mix in plain milk, spread in bread/ dosa/ pancake or use as a natural sweetener in sweets and desserts.
  • dates syrup recipe
    Enjoy !


  • Mejdool dates works the best as its soft. But I used Lion brand dates.
  • Color of the syrup varies as per the quality of dates.
  • If you are using dried dates, soak it overnight in hot water and then proceed.

Do try this easy and healthy Homemade Lion dates syrup and enjoy !
dates syrup recipe

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May 28, 2021

How to make turmeric powder at home from raw, fresh turmeric roots

how to make turmeric powder at home

I have never thought of making homemade turmeric powder using fresh turmeric roots (Manjal kothu) we get during Pongal festival time. Last year, when my MIL visited me after Pongal, she made use of the fresh turmeric I had in my pantry by making this homemade turmeric powder. It was so easy to make. The color and flavor of turmeric powder was so good. That was the first time I watched the procedure of making turmeric powder at home using fresh turmeric.

Usually my mom grinds turmeric powder for face in a flour mill by grinding the dried, round turmeric or the thin ones. We call it as gundu manjal and Virali manjal in Tamil. Some people also grind the manjal podi in mixie but the mixie blade should be strong enough and the mixer should be of high power in watts.

But making turmeric powder using fresh turmeric is so easy. The only difficult part is to peel its skin and chop into small roundels. If you want to skip this step, you can just boil the turmeric roots till its soft. Then you can chop without peeling its skin and grind it. As the fresh turmeric is soft in texture, you can grind it easily in any Indian mixer. After grinding the paste, we need to sun dry for a day or two. Grind again to a fine powder. Siev and store it. Tada, your fresh homemade turmeric powder is ready !

Friends, just follow the steps given below and make your own turmeric powder at home. You will love its flavor and color. Above all you will have the satisfaction of using healthy turmeric powder in your cooking more than the adulterated shop ones.

how to make turmeric powder at home

How to make turmeric powder at home using fresh turmeric roots

How to make turmeric powder at home using fresh turmeric roots

How to make turmeric powder at home using fresh turmeric roots

Cuisine: Indian
Category: How to make
Serves: 200 gms
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook time: 20 Minutes
Total time: 30 Minutes


  • Fresh, raw turmeric / Pacha manjal - 1/2 kg
  • Water - to grind
  1. Wash and peel the skin of fresh, raw turmeric roots.
  2. Chop into small roundels. Grind to smooth paste
  3. Grind into smooth paste adding little water.
  4. After grinding, drain the excess water and spread the paste in a plate.
  5. Sun dry the paste for a day or two till its completely dry.
  6. It turns into brown color once its dry. Grind to smooth powder again.
  7. Sieve and transfer to a box and use as needed.
  8. You can use it for your face, use in regular cooking or make turmeric pepper milk.
  • Wash and peel the skin of fresh turmeric roots. Wash in water.
  • how to make turmeric powder at home
  • Chop into roundels and grind coarsely. Add little water and grind to a smooth paste. Drain the excess water in a small bowl. You can use it for cooking.
how to make turmeric powder at home
  • Now spread the thick paste in a plate and let it sun dry for a day or two till its completely dry. The outer layer changes to slight brown or orange in color.
  • how to make turmeric powder at home
    how to make turmeric powder at home
  • Now break the dried turmeric into pieces and grind to a fine powder. Sieve it through a fine mesh. Transfer to a box. Store and use it for months. 

Check out this post on how to make turmeric milk/ Golden latte recipe.


  • For variations, you can boil the chopped turmeric pieces in hot water for few minutes before grinding.

Try this easy, homemade turmeric powder and enjoy its benefits.

how to make turmeric powder at home

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March 3, 2021

Khus Khus Milk / KasaKasa Paal Recipe - Poppy Seeds Milk

Khus khus milk

Recent days my sleep got disturbed because of my lower back pain. I was unable to sleep continuously due to anxiety and panic attacks. Apart from meditation and other natural sleeping techniques, I was looking for some home remedies and foods to include in my diet. I came across this khus khus milk / khas khas milk (poppy seeds in English) / Kasakasa paal/ Gasagasa paal recipe in Gowri samayalarai YouTube channel. I tried it on the same day as all the ingredients were readily available with me. It came out so well with a nice flavor of poppy seeds and cardamom.

Basically poppy seeds are used in baked goods and traditional dishes worldwide. Both the seeds and their oil are said to offer various health benefits including promoting digestion, boosting skin and hair health, treating headaches, coughs to curing asthma and insomnia. As poppy seeds are derived from the opium poppy, its banned in some countries. In India, people use khus khus in their cooking regularly for grinding masala. It helps to give a thick and creamy texture to kurma and other gravies. 

To powder the poppy seeds, I dry roasted them first which was not mentioned in the original recipe. I also added some cloves for flavor. It smells and tastes so good. Everyone in my home including Raksha loved it. I am taking this milk at night 30 minutes before going to bed. My sleep quality is improved. I am planning to take this milk for another week till I go back to my normal sleep. But do not consume more. For adults, you can give 1/2 cup of milk. 

Friends, do try this khuskhus milk / Poppy seeds milk / Gasagasa paal at home for a good night’s sleep. Remember this milk alone doesn’t make wonders. You have to do meditation, try to divert your mind by listening to good music, watch movies or do your favorite activity that relaxes your mind. 

Ok, lets see how to make this easy and yummy Khas khas milk with step by step pictures.

Kasakasa paal

Khus khus milk / Kasakasa paal recipe

Khus khus milk / Gasagasa paal recipe

Poppy seeds milk - Khus khus / khas khas milk recipe for good sleep and added health benefits.

Cuisine: Indian
Category: Beverage
Serves: 3
Prep time: 5 Minutes
Cook time: 10 Minutes
Total time: 15 Minutes

1 cup = 250ml
  • Poppy seeds / Khus khus - 1/2 cup
  • Nutmeg / jathikai - 1 small piece ( I used 1/4 th of one nutmeg)
  • Cardamom - 5
  • Pepper corns - 10
  • Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
  • Cloves - 2
  1. Heat a kadai and dry roast the poppy seeds in low flame for few minutes.
  2. Add cardamom, cloves, nutmeg and roast it for a minute.
  3. Switch off the flame and allow to cool down completely.
  4. Now add pepper corns and turmeric powder.
  5. Grind everything to a smooth powder. Remove and store in a box.
  6. To make khus khus milk : Boil 1/2 liter milk. Add 1 tbsp of this powder.
  7. Mix well and boil for few minutes till it changes color. Strain the milk and serve hot or warm !
  • Heat a kadai and dry roast the poppy seeds in low to medium flame for few minutes. Make sure you don’t burn it.

  • Add cloves, nutmeg and cardamom and roast it along with poppy seeds for a minute. This helps to powder easily. Switch off the flame.

  • Allow to cool down completely. Add them to mixie jar and add in pepper corns, turmeric powder.
    • Kasakasa paal recipe
  • Grind to a fine powder. Do not run the mixie continuously for long time. Poppy seeds releases oil and looks like paste. So grind it carefully. Mix in regular intervals and check if it becomes a powder.
  • Kasakasa paal recipe
  • Now transfer the powder to an air tight box. You can store up to a week at room temperature.

  • To make khus khus milk : Boil 500 ml milk in a bowl. Add 1 to 1.5 tbsp of this poppy seeds powder. Boil for few minutes till it changes color. Strain the milk using a metal filter. Serve the milk hot or warm. Enjoy !Kasakasa paal recipe


  • Dry roasting poppy seeds is optional but it helps to powder it well.
  • If you want to wash the poppy seeds, wash it and spread them in a cotton cloth. Let it dry completely. Then you can roast it.

Try this healthy khus khus milk at home and enjoy its health benefits.

Khus khus milk

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February 22, 2021

How to make frozen green peas at home

Today's post is about how to make frozen green peas. Making frozen green peas at home was in my DIY list for long time. Usually I buy frozen peas packets from Reliance fresh or Metro. But sometimes, the peas is not so fresh and smells bad too. So I stopped buying them.

Instead of using store bought frozen peas, every year I think about making frozen peas at home during the season. But the laziness in me never allowed to take up this work. This year, somehow I managed to do it at home and blog here.

I tried two methods to make this frozen peas. One by freezing the fresh green peas directly and another way by cooking partially, washing in cold water (blanching) and then freezing it.

I found both the methods work well in terms of storage. Both stays good for months together. But blanched frozen peas stayed better in terms of freshness, color and smell. Also cooking is easier in blanched frozen peas than the raw ones.

Friends, do try this easy, homemade frozen peas. You will stop buying from the markets.

frozen green peas

how to freeze green peas at home

How to make frozen green peas at home

How to make frozen green peas at home

How to make frozen green peas at home easily.

Cuisine: Indian
Category: How to make
Serves: 1/2 kg
Prep time: 30 Minutes
Cook time: 5 Minutes
Total time: 35 Minutes

1 cup = 250ml
  • Fresh, Shelled green peas – 1/2 kg
  • Water - as needed
  • Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
  • Sugar - 1/2 tsp
  • Zip lock covers or tupperware box - to freeze the peas
  1. Method 1 : Remove the green peas from the pod and wash well.
  2. Spread in a towel and let it dry. Store in a zip lock cover in batches.
  3. Freeze and use upto a month. While cooking, take the required amount of frozen peas. Thaw it and cook in boiling water till soft.
  4. For method 2 : Take the deshelled peas. Wash well.
  5. Roll boil water and add peas to the boiling water. Boil till peas starts to float on top.
  6. Switch off the flame and drain it. Wash in cold water. Spread in a towel. Let it dry. 
  7. Store in batches in zip lock covers. Freeze it and use up to 3 months.
  8. To cook this frozen peas, take the required amount. Thaw it and boil for 2 minutes to become soft or saute in a kadai with little oil.
  • Method 1 : Remove the raw green peas from the pod. Wash well and spread in a towel. Let it dry completely. Then store in batches in a ziplock cover. Freeze it. Stays good up to 2 months.
  • how to make frozen green peas at home
  • Whenever needed take the required amount of frozen peas. Thaw it and cook in boiling water till soft. It takes some time to cook as it is raw.

  • Method 2 : Remove the raw green peas from the pod. Wash well. Boil water in a pot adding sugar, turmeric powder (helps to get bright green color). 
  • Boil for 2 minutes or till the peas starts to float on top. Switch off the stove. Immediately drain the excess water from the peas and wash it under cold water to prevent over cooking and shrink.
    how to make frozen green peas at home
  • Now spread the peas in a towel and let it dry completely. Then store in a ziplock cover or in some plastic boxes in batches. Freeze it. You can store this up to 3 months.
  • how to make frozen green peas at home
  • To use this frozen peas, take the required amount and thaw it (i.e bring to room temperature). Then saute in oil in a kadai for few minutes or boil in water till soft.


  • Freezing peas can be done in both the ways. Both are efficient.
  • Blanched peas looks bright in color and stays good for more time than the raw ones.
  • It is easy to cook blanched peas than the raw ones.
  • This method doesn’t work for dry peas.
Friends, do try any of these methods based on your liking to store the peas.
how to make frozen peas at home

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November 9, 2020

How to celebrate Diwali at home - Diwali celebration ideas

How to celebrate Diwali at home

In this post, I have shared how to celebrate Diwali at home in Tamilnadu. Diwali or Deepavali (in Tamil) is one of the biggest Hindu festivals celebrated across India. It is one of the most important festivals of the year. I have been sharing the celebration procedures of various Hindu festivals in my blog. But somehow I missed posting on how to celebrate Diwali at home. This is purely Tamil nadu / Tamilians style celebration and that too my family’s way of Diwali celebration at my home. This year 2024, Diwali festival is on 31st October, Thursday in Tamil nadu. 

Diwali festival gets its name from the row (avali) of clay lamps (deepa) that Indians light outside their homes to symbolize the inner light that protects from spiritual darkness. So Diwali is called the Festival of Lights. 

Diwali falls in the month of 'Kartik' in Hindu calendar. It is the celebration of returning of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile. Diwali is also the day on which Lord Krishna had defeated demon Narakasura.

Diwali diya decorations

Unlike other Hindu festivals, there is no hard and fast rules for Diwali celebration. It would be a fun-filled festival. Even though this festival is important to Hindus, it is also enjoyed and celebrated by non-hindus as well. Diwali celebration includes lighting Diya and LED lights across the house, decoration with flowers, rangoli, shopping dresses, fireworks/ crackers, puja (prayers), exchanging gifts, enjoying grand food and relish Diwali special sweets & snacks.

On this day, we light candles and decorate our homes with Rangoli. We burn firecrackers, eat lots of sweets, snacks and share them with our friends and neighbors. Diwali is the most loved festival, and we enjoy it very much. I have shared some of our last year's Diwali celebration images below. Hope you will get some ideas with it !

Diwali sweets and snacks

Shopping list for Diwali celebration :

  • New dresses for the family members
  • Crackers (optional, avoid using to celebrate Eco friendly Diwali)
  • Sesame oil, Shikakai powder, turmeric powder, mehandi powder or paste.
  • Banana leaf
  • Coconut
  • Betel leaf and nut
  • Banana
  • Turmeric and kumkum
  • Lamps, oil and wicks
  • Varieties of sweets and snacks
  • Idli rice, urad dal to make idli batter

Diwali Pre – Preparation :

For us, Diwali preparation begins with purchase of new dresses for the family. We purchase Diwali dresses one month before the festival. Diwali shopping would be a big excitement for all of us. We buy dresses for my in-laws & ourselves and in turn they buy dresses or silver articles for us as Diwali gift.

Diwali decorations

We don’t have the practice of doing grand decorations for Diwali instead my daughter loves to paint some clay lamps/ diya and we light it in our house entrance around the rangoli. She also puts mehandi for me and herself. 

Diwali snacks recipes

Next to Diwali shopping comes the Diwali recipes preparation. As a food blogger, I start to make Diwali recipes 15 days before the festival to blog the sweets and snacks recipes. But my MIL starts the preparation one week before Diwali. She makes a big batch of thenkuzhal, ribbon pakoda, kara sev and maida chips/ namakpara for snacks. These snacks are must in our house.

For sweets, usually my MIL makes Badushah, maida burfi, badam burfi, wheat halwa and boondhi ladoo. Once I go to Salem, I make some kaju katli and gulab jamun as the last minute sweets. Overall minimum one variety of halwa, burfi, ladoo, gulab jamun and some milk sweets or cashew sweets will be in the diwali menu.

We reserve few pieces of sweet and snacks in separate boxes to keep them for naivedyam on Diwali day and we consume the rest.

Finally, we purchase crackers a week before Diwali. But recent years, we stopped buying them. We just buy sparklers and one packet of crackers for keeping in neivedyam.

Coming to our house

 Diwali celebration procedures / How to celebrate Diwali at home :

Diwali celebration

In some places, Diwali is a five days festival. But for us, its a 2 days festival. Every year, we go to Salem 2 days before Diwali and love to celebrate it with my in-laws. On Diwali day, I also visit my parents as both my parents and in-laws are at Salem. So its a double treat for me.

Diwali sweets

On the eve of Diwali, we burn crackers till 8.30 night and then we start to prepare suzhiyan, adhirasam which is a must do for Diwali in my home. We stack it in a box. We wash & decorate the diyas/ lamps and other pooja items, decorate them with turmeric, kumkum dots. Sweep the house and draw rangoli / color kolam in house entrance and in pooja room.

In a big plate, we arrange all the new dress by keeping turmeric & kumkum in a corner of the dress and keep everything ready in pooja room. We also keep a small packet of crackers safely in one corner to keep it for neivedyam. By the time, we finish all these works, it will be around 10.30-11 PM. You can do all these activities in the day time as well.

On Diwali day morning, we ladies wake up early around 4 AM, brush the teeth and wash the face. My MIL ( eldest lady) lights the lamp and keep a small bowl of sesame oil/ nalla ennai & shikakai powder, turmeric powder and mehandi / marudhani in pooja room. In 2 plates, we keep a set of betel leaves, nuts, 2 banana and one unbroken coconut. The elder( my FIL) in our home apply little oil in the forehead for all of us and keep a pinch of shikai powder on our head for sastram. Then we take bath and wear some old clothes first.

How to celebrate diwali at home

We ladies enter the kitchen and start to make vada, bajji, idli & sambar for breakfast. In the mean time, my FIL keep flowers for all the idols and keep the pooja room ready. After making all neivedyam recipes, we keep the dresses in 2 different plates, keep some crackers in front of the God as shown in the picture above. We place 2 banana leaves (one for veetu theivam and another one for magamaayi) in front of the God and serve the reserved sweets and snacks along with idli smeared with ghee, vada, suzhiyan and adhirasam.  No need to keep sambar if you add onion. Break the coconut that is kept in the thamboolam plate and get ready for main pooja.

This is my MIL’s practice but my mom offers all sweets & snacks along with bajji, idli and vada in front of our pooja room in common to all the God. I heard most of the people worship Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi on this day. Finally, it depends on our tradition. We don't chant any slokhas or sthothrams or keep kalasam on this day. You can recite some Lakshmi slokhas if you like. 

Usually, we do the pooja before 6 am. The eldest person (my FIL) in the family do the pooja by showing dhoop, dheep and give dresses to everyone.  Dresses are given to the younger ones in the family and then goes according to the age. We wear the new dress and start to burn crackers. 

diwali food

After burning crackers for an hour, we have breakfast (Idli sambar) along with diwali sweets & savouries in banana leaf. In the above pictures, I have shared our last year’s Diwali sweets, snacks and breakfast.

After breakfast, myself and my MIL pack the sweets and snacks for our neighbors and friends, distribute them. That’s all. All our works will be over with this . Then we have a relaxing day by watching all the special programs in TV & enjoy the whole day without cooking.

Every body will have the sweets, snacks, vadai, suzhiyan & adhirasam as food for the whole day. We don’t prepare lunch on Diwali day instead we give the sweets, snacks, vada or bajji if they feel hungry or make tea / coffee / juice if needed. 

On Diwali day evening, we wear new dresses and we burst all the remaining crackers with family and friends and finish the celebration. We make idli sambar for dinner or some curd rice to keep it light and simple. This is how we celebrate our Diwali. 

On diwali night or the next day morning, we consume a small gooseberry sized diwali legiyam for better digestion.

Please find all our diwali recipes collection if you are interested.

Disclaimer : All these details shared above are based on my family’s celebration procedure. Please consult with your elders and alter it as per your tradition and practice.

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September 19, 2020

Onion Raita | Thayir Pachadi For Biryani | How To Make Raita For Biryani

Many of you may wonder by seeing a post for onion raita recipe (Vengaya thayir pachadi in Tamil). But yes, making perfect onion raita is also a bit tricky. Sometimes it looks very thick or too watery with onions separated from curd. Basically Onion raita / Vengaya thayir pachadi is an easy and quick side dish for biryani and pulao. I serve it for paratha and masala chapathi too. It is prepared by mixing sliced raw onions with fresh curd/ yogurt. I would say onion raita is not only easy to make but also the best side dish for biryani as it is healthy and helps to enhance digestion of biryani. Raw onion mixed with curd helps to prevent skin infection and hair fall.

Its advisable to consume onion raita during day time than night. Also it can be stored upto one day in refrigerator but I like to serve and eat it fresh rather than storing and consuming the leftovers because you may catch cold after storing in the fridge.

In some hotels, finely chopped green chilli and coriander leaves is added in onion raita. It looks colorful and gives a mild spicy taste too. My friends here add grated carrot, finely chopped cucumber and tomato in onion raita. Sometimes they give tadka with mustard seeds, cumin seeds and curry leaves. It tastes good for vegetable pulao.

Even though there are varieties of raita recipes like boondi raita, gooseberry raita, lady’s finger raita, banana stem raita, raita with greens like mint leaves, coriander leaves, this onion raita is the basic and the mostly preferred one. Ok, lets see how to make this easy and simple onion raita for biryani !

Onion Raita Recipe - Thayir Pachadi for biryani

Onion Raita Recipe - Thayir Pachadi for biryani

Onion raita recipe - Thayir pachadi recipe for biryani. Easy and simple side dish recipe !

Cuisine: Indian
Category: Side dish
Serves: 2
Prep time: 5 Minutes
Cook time: 5 Minutes
Total time: 10 Minutes
1 cup = 250ml
  • Fresh curd / Yogurt - 1 cup
  • Big onion - 1 (sliced thinly or finely chopped)
  • Salt - as needed
  • Coriander leaves - 1 tbsp (finely chopped)
  • Green chilli - 1 (optional, finely chopped)
  1. Wash and peel the onion. Slice it thin lengthwise or chop finely.
  2. Take them in a bowl. Add required salt and mix well. Set aside.
  3. Take 1 cup of fresh curd and whisk it smooth without adding water.
  4. Add the curd to the onion. Mix well and add finely chopped coriander leaves.
  5. Mix well and serve with biryani or pulao !
  • Wash and peel the onion. Slice it thinly in lengthwise or chop it finely.

  • Take it in a bowl and add the required salt. Mix well and set aside. In the mean time, whisk the thick curd till smooth without adding water.

  • Add the whisked curd to the onion mixture. Add finely chopped coriander leaves. Mix well and serve immediately for best taste. (If you want to serve later, refrigerate the raita in a closed container up to one day).

  • For variations, you can temper some mustard seeds and curry leaves. Add to raita and mix well. Enjoy !


  • For variations and to make it more healthy, you can add grated carrot, finely chopped cucumber, finely chopped tomato.
  • Mixing onion and salt leaves water. So do not add water in the raita. If you feel the raita is too thick after mixing with onion, you can add a tsp of water.
  • If you add water, raita will become watery over the time.

Easy, yummy, simple onion raita is ready to serve with biryani, pulao and paratha !

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